61 points
Me and my friends eating anywhere but Burger King because we care about how food tastes
63 points
17 points
5 points
3 points
10 points
4 points
2 points
2 points
34 points
it was a customer
also don’t think for a second any corporation wouldn’t throw you under a bus just for the fun of it
7 points
7 points
I saw reports that it was an elderly customer but another report that it was an employee.
21 points
30 points
I like the part of FFXV where they Idk I have completely forgotten the plot
EDIT: OH! Cup Noodle
8 points
4 points
5 points
19 points
11 points
18 points
C’mon y’all. You know if you go to a non-chain Latino restaurant nobody’s calling the cops.