Yeah but the she-devil Kamala supports post-birth abortions.
- a family member
yeah, i mean it’s obvious because they keep saying aborting babies which semantically don’t make sense. abortion refers to aborting the pregnancy. post-birth abortion is an oxymoron because there is no pregnancy post-birth.
My Catholic-ass mom reads a Catholic-ass newspaper and recently told me with complete confidence that Hillary Clinton was the “partial-birth abortion queen”. How do you even have a conversation with someone who’s ingested so much propaganda?
“She can’t even string a sentence together”, said after her town hall late in the campaign.
It’s like they never fucking listened to a single Trump rally.
Say what you will about Trump he can definitely string a sentence together, hell he can’t help himself from stringing 20 into one.
Oh ya, they call that the"weaving" effect, as if it’s some sort of special talent just for him. He can masterfully start talking, go off on twenty different subjects, and have them all flow together perfectly in his conclusion.
Sure, this can be done. Not by him.
Obama won his senate seat because his opponent had an affair. Everyone said he was too young, but then he went on to beat Hillary and McCain.
Bill Clinton won the democratic primary because everyone thought Heart was going to win, then HE had an affair. Everyone said he was too young, but then he went on to beat Bush.
Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden won their primary because “IT WAS THEIR TURN”. Biden only won because Republican rigged it to suppress mail in voting, but that suppressed the wrong group in the wake of COVID. I think we all have our theories on Harris. My point: I think it is time for someone that isn’t “THEIR TURN” to become our next nominee.
Al Gore is not like the others. Yes you might say he became the nominee because it was his turn. But, he also had extremely good policy ideas that were very different from “not being Trump “.
All of this is just a distraction anyway. It’s rich vs poor always has been. We have a huge group of people that should really be allies but are brainwashed against their own interests. It’s easy to say they’re on the wrong side but we should really be looking to mend the divide in ways that we can rather than further it by stating how morally superior we are.
Agreed. It’s uncanny how no news source wants to call out the class divide and instead focuses on the partisan divide
This rich vs. poor thing would be a hell of a lot more believable if there weren’t so many poor people who were gigantic fucking bigots.
How do you mend a divide between people who exist and people who hate their existence?
by attacking the media structures and funding that manipulate them. (this is not a fix all solution. obviously. but it is taking action against the most materially funded arm of the propagation of conservative values. i hope it can be one of many tools leftists use to push for justice and dignity.)
Their parents manipulate them.
The “media structures” aren’t the ones telling them to yell the F- word at queer people or just straight up murder them.
Of course rich folk will look for allies among poor folk. Play off the people against each other. This strategy is centuries old … no wait, millennia old.
You don’t mend a divide. That’s pointing to the divide as the problem, when the real problem is discrimination.
No, the real problem is hatred. Bigots hate the people they are bigoted against. That is not a rich vs. poor thing. I’ve gotten attacked by more than one poor bigot. Plenty of people from minority communities have.
This whole idea where everyone but the rich will get together and sing kumbaya and then win the class war and create a utopia is ridiculously naive and, as far as I can think, only comes from people who have never had a bigot get into their face and hate them because of who they are.
Sadly, a lot of them voted for Trump because they think he’s going to “fix it”. The sad thing is they just trust him to figure it out once in office.
Well according to Americans a guy with “concepts of a plan” is apparently more qualified than any woman ever, that’s what I learned from 2016 and 2024…
America has made it clear, they’d rather elect Literally Hitler over Ima Woe Mann.
This is maybe oversimplifying things, however - I will never fully understand how somebody hears a candidate talk only about who they will hurt first, while their opposition talks about how to help the most people…and the guy who wants to increase the human suffering wins.
I mean, logically, yeah I guess I can understand. But at the same time, I will never get it. :P
I come from an immigrant family. We came legally, sure. But the fight is the same: provide a better life and better opportunities for the next generation.
It blows my mind how someone can change this to paint the immigrant as bad. All while there are American citizen business men hiring the immigrants. Go after the business men?
I don’t get it. Wouldn’t people want to look past the place of birth and look into someone’s character? Surely a person fighting for a better life for their family is more honorable than a businessman looking to cut corners.
I’ve met conservatives with such deep hatred for “illegals” that I sincerely cannot understand where they’re coming from.
They have been sold a lie that all the changes in their life have been the fault of immigrants, poor people, technology etc. The life they were promised doesn’t exist anymore and they fear change, and they are provided with a scapegoat be it immigration or so called liberals. It is easier to fear and hate something than to look at the truth. The wealthy and elite have been steadily taking more and more in their greed and lust for power.
President Lyndon B. Johnson once said:
"If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.
This has just expanded a bit more to immigrants as well in recent decades.
The hubris is terrifying, is it not?
I mean where is the endgame? To be so consumed by fear/hatred (same thing) that you willfully set society on a path to destruction, but to convince yourself your pile of invisible coins will save you from the consequences of trying to live on a dying planet.
It’s all about fear. If the propagandists can play on your fears, you will learn to hate whoever they tell you to; but there’s also greed, which essentially is the fear of not having enough/more/whatever.
You see, money was not invented to be used as currency. Nor does it represent the “value of labor” or any of that crap. Money is fear made manifest. It only exists so that you will be afraid of not having enough. Even those sociopathic billionaires we all wanna eat only get that twisted and fucked up inside, just cause they’re still afraid of money, or at least that someone else might have more (I think? You have to be a completely useless shitheel to amass that much wealth).
And finally, lack of a sense of personal responsibility. So much easier if it’s someone else’s fault you didn’t make it big.
Oh, and the hatred of a conservative will never make sense. They have imported the thoughts and ideals of another whole cloth, all because they’re afraid of being on the losing team. There is no logic to such things; it’s a very insidious form of brainwashing.
The Democrats candidates talked at length about how they were tougher on immigration, more supportive of Israel’s genocide, and favoured by sadistic fascists like Dick Cheney. It was literally both parties arguing that they would be the ones to increase human suffering the most
Oh for fuck sake, really?
What the fuck ever; I’ll still take the side that talks less about causing harm. Or any option other than Mr Orange Weirdo. The senile shit stain answers every question with a list of people he needs to cause harm to.
No, the Democrats are not “the same”.
Also, maybe read the room and just delete your stupid account?