Day 7: Bridge Repair

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1 point

I’m way behind, but I’m trying to learn F#.

I’m using the library Combinatorics in dotnet, which I’ve used in the past, generate in this case every duplicating possibility of the operations. I the only optimization that I did was to use a function to concatenate numbers without converting to strings, but that didn’t actually help much.

I have parser helpers that use ReadOnlySpans over strings to prevent unnecessary allocations. However, here I’m adding to a C# mutable list and then converting to an FSharp (linked) list, which this language is more familiar with. Not optimal, but runtime was pretty good.

I’m not terribly good with F#, but I think I did ok for this challenge.


// in another file:
let concatenateLong (a:Int64) (b:Int64) : Int64 =
    let rec countDigits (n:int64) =
        if n = 0 then 0
        else 1 + countDigits (n / (int64 10))   

    let bDigits = if b = 0 then 1 else countDigits b
    let multiplier = pown 10 bDigits |> int64
    a * multiplier + b

// challenge file
type Operation = {Total:Int64; Inputs:Int64 list }

let parse (s:ReadOnlySpan<char>) : Operation =
    let sep = s.IndexOf(':')
    let total = Int64.Parse(s.Slice(0, sep))
    let inputs = System.Collections.Generic.List<Int64>()
    let right:ReadOnlySpan<char> = s.Slice(sep + 1).Trim()

   // because the Split function on a span returns a SpanSplitEnumerator, which is a ref-struct and can only live on the stack, 
   // I can't use the F# list syntax here
    for range in right.Split(" ") do
        inputs.Add(Int64.Parse(sliceRange right range))
    {Total = total; Inputs = List.ofSeq(inputs) }

let part1Ops = [(+); (*)]

let execute ops input =
    |> PSeq.choose (fun op ->
        let total = op.Total
        let inputs = op.Inputs
        let variations = Variations(ops, inputs.Length - 1, GenerateOption.WithRepetition)
        |> Seq.tryFind (fun v ->
            let calcTotal = (inputs[0], inputs[1..], List.ofSeq(v)) |||> List.fold2 (fun acc n f -> f acc n) 
            calcTotal = total
        |> _ -> total)
    |> PSeq.fold (fun acc n -> acc + n) 0L

let part1 input =
    (read input parse)
    |> execute part1Ops

let part2Ops = [(+); (*); concatenateLong]

let part2 input = (read input parse) |> execute part2Ops

The Gen0 garbage collection looks absurd, but Gen0 is generally considered β€œfree”.

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen0 Gen1 Allocated
Part1 19.20 ms 0.372 ms 0.545 ms 17843.7500 156.2500 106.55 MB
Part2 17.94 ms 0.355 ms 0.878 ms 17843.7500 156.2500 106.55 MB

V2 - concatenate numbers did little for the runtime, but did help with Gen1 garbage, but not the overall allocation.

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen0 Gen1 Allocated
Part1 17.34 ms 0.342 ms 0.336 ms 17843.7500 125.0000 106.55 MB
Part2 17.24 ms 0.323 ms 0.270 ms 17843.7500 93.7500 106.55 MB
1 point


I finally got around to doing day 7. I try the brute force method (takes several seconds), but I’m particularly proud of my sequence generator for operation permutations.

The Collection#rotate method is in the file Utils.kt, which can be found in my repo.

import kotlin.collections.any
import kotlin.math.pow

fun main() {
    fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
        val operations = setOf(CalibrationOperation.Plus, CalibrationOperation.Multiply)
        return generalizedSolution(input, operations)

    fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
        val operations = setOf(CalibrationOperation.Plus, CalibrationOperation.Multiply, CalibrationOperation.Concat)
        return generalizedSolution(input, operations)

    val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
    check(part1(testInput) == 3749L)
    check(part2(testInput) == 11387L)

    val input = readInput("Day07")

fun parseInputDay7(input: List<String>) = {
    val calibrationResultAndInput = it.split(':')
    calibrationResultAndInput[0].toLong() to calibrationResultAndInput[1].split(' ').filter { it != "" }.map { it.toLong() }

fun generalizedSolution(input: List<String>, operations: Set<CalibrationOperation>): Long {
    val parsedInput = parseInputDay7(input)
    val operationsPermutations = CalibrationOperation.operationPermutationSequence(*operations.toTypedArray()).take(calculatePermutationsNeeded(parsedInput, operations)).toList()
    return sumOfPossibleCalibrationEquations(parsedInput, operationsPermutations)

fun calculatePermutationsNeeded(parsedInput: List<Pair<Long, List<Long>>>, operations: Set<CalibrationOperation>): Int {
    val highestNumberOfOperations = parsedInput.maxOf { it.second.size - 1 }
    return (1..highestNumberOfOperations).sumOf { operations.size.toDouble().pow(it).toInt() }

fun sumOfPossibleCalibrationEquations(parsedInput: List<Pair<Long, List<Long>>>, operationPermutationCollection: Collection<OperationPermutation>): Long {
    val permutationsGrouped = operationPermutationCollection.groupBy { it.size }
    return parsedInput.sumOf { (equationResult, equationInput) ->
        if (permutationsGrouped[equationInput.size - 1]!!.any { operations ->
                equationResult == equationInput.drop(1)
                    .foldIndexed(equationInput[0]) { index, acc, lng -> operations[index](acc, lng) }
            }) equationResult else 0

typealias OperationPermutation = List<CalibrationOperation>

sealed class CalibrationOperation(val operation: (Long, Long) -> Long) {
    operator fun invoke(a: Long, b: Long) = operation(a, b)
    object Plus : CalibrationOperation({ a: Long, b: Long -> a + b })
    object Multiply : CalibrationOperation({ a: Long, b: Long -> a * b })
    object Concat : CalibrationOperation({ a: Long, b: Long -> "$a$b".toLong() })

    companion object {
        fun operationPermutationSequence(vararg operations: CalibrationOperation) = sequence<OperationPermutation> {
            val cache = mutableListOf<OperationPermutation>()
            val calculateCacheRange = { currentLength: Int ->
                val sectionSize = operations.size.toDouble().pow(currentLength - 1).toInt()
                val sectionStart = (1 until currentLength - 1).sumOf { operations.size.toDouble().pow(it).toInt() }
                sectionStart..(sectionStart + sectionSize - 1)

            // Populate the cache with initial values for permutation length 1.
            operations.forEach { operation -> yield(listOf(operation).also { cache.add(it) }) }

            var currentLength = 2
            var offset = 0
            var cacheRange = calculateCacheRange(currentLength)
            var rotatingOperations = operations.toList()
                generateSequence {
                    if (cacheRange.count() == offset) {
                        rotatingOperations = rotatingOperations.rotated(1)
                        if (rotatingOperations.first() == operations.first()) {

                        offset = 0
                        cacheRange = calculateCacheRange(currentLength)

                    val cacheSlice = cache.slice(cacheRange)

                    return@generateSequence (cacheSlice[offset] + rotatingOperations.first()).also {
                        cache += it

1 point


Took quite some time to debug but in the end I think it’s a nice solution using base 2 and 3 numbers counting up to check all operator combinations.

function readInput(inputFile::String)::Vector{Vector{Int}}
	f = open(inputFile,"r")
	lines::Vector{String} = readlines(f)
	equations::Vector{Vector{Int}} = []
	function getValues(line::String)
		return map(sp->parse(Int,sp),(sp=split(line," ");sp[1]=sp[1][1:end-1];sp))
	return equations

function checkEq(eq::Vector{Int},withConCat::Bool)::Bool
	function calcEq(eq::Vector{Int},operators::Vector{Int},withConCat::Bool)::Int
		res::Int = eq[2]
		for (i,op) in enumerate(operators)
			if op == 0 #+
				res += eq[i+2]
			elseif op ==1 #*
				res *= eq[i+2]
			else #op==2 ||
				res = parse(Int,string(res)*string(eq[i+2]))
		return res
	opInt::Int = 0
	operators = Vector{Int}(undef,length(eq)-2)
	while opInt < (withConCat ? 3^(length(eq)-2) : 2^(length(eq)-2))
		withConCat==true ? operators=digits(opInt,base=3,pad=length(eq)-2) : operators=digits(opInt,base=2,pad=length(eq)-2)
		#calcEq(eq,operators,withConCat)==eq[1] ? (return true) : opInt -= 1
		calcEq(eq,operators,withConCat)==eq[1] ? (return true) : opInt += 1
	return false

function calcTotCalRes(equations::Vector{Vector{Int}},withConCat::Bool)::Int
	totCalRes::Int = 0
	for e in equations
		checkEq(e,withConCat) ? totCalRes+=e[1] : nothing
	return totCalRes

@info "Part 1"
println("result: $(calcTotCalRes(readInput("day07Input"),false))")
@info "Part 2"
println("result: $(calcTotCalRes(readInput("day07Input"),true))")
2 points


Could probably go much faster if I kept track of calculations to not repeat, but 4 seconds for part 2 on my old laptop is good enough for me. Also, not really a big change from part 1 to part 2.

Part 1 and 2

(defstruct calibration result inputs)

(defun p1-process-line (line)
  (let ((parts (str:words line)))
    (make-calibration :result (parse-integer (car parts) :junk-allowed t)
                      :inputs (mapcar #'parse-integer (cdr parts)))))

(defun apply-opperators (c opps)
  (let ((accum (car (calibration-inputs c))))
  (loop for o in opps
        for v in (cdr (calibration-inputs c))
        until (> accum (calibration-result c))
        if (eql o 'ADD)
          do (setf accum (+ accum v))
        else if (eql o 'MUL)
          do (setf accum (* accum v))
          do (setf accum (+ v (* accum (expt 10 (1+ (floor (log v 10)))))))
        finally (return accum)

(defun generate-operators (item-count)
  (labels ((g-rec (c results)
             (if (< c 1)
                 (g-rec (1- c) (loop for r in results
                                     collect (cons 'ADD r)
                                     collect (cons 'MUL r))))))
    (g-rec (1- item-count) '((ADD) (MUL)))))

(defun generate-ops-hash (c gen-ops)
  (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
    (dotimes (x c)
      (setf (gethash (+ 2 x) h) (funcall gen-ops (+ 1 x))))

(defun validate-calibration (c ops-h)
  (let ((r (calibration-result c))
        (ops (gethash (length (calibration-inputs c)) ops-h)))
    (loop for o in ops
          for v = (apply-opperators c o)
          when (= v r)
            return t)))

(defun run-p1 (file) 
  (let ((calibrations  (read-file file #'p1-process-line))
        (ops (generate-ops-hash 13 #'generate-operators)))
    (loop for c in calibrations
          when (validate-calibration c ops)
            sum (calibration-result c))))

(defun generate-operators-p2 (item-count)
  (labels ((g-rec (c results)
             (if (< c 1)
                 (g-rec (1- c) (loop for r in results
                                     collect (cons 'ADD r)
                                     collect (cons 'MUL r)
                                     collect (cons 'CAT r))))))
    (g-rec (1- item-count) '((ADD) (MUL) (CAT)))))

(defun run-p2 (file) 
  (let ((calibrations  (read-file file #'p1-process-line))
        (ops (generate-ops-hash 13 #'generate-operators-p2)))
    (loop for c in calibrations
          when (validate-calibration c ops)
            sum (calibration-result c))))

2 points


I wrote my own iterator because I’m a big dummy. Also brute forced (~8s). Might be worth adding a cache to skip all the questions that have been computed / done.

import { AdventOfCodeSolutionFunction } from "./solutions";

function MakeCombination<T>(choices: Array<T>, state: Array<number>): Array<T> {
    return => choices[v]);

function MakeStateArray(length: number) {
    const newArray = [];
    while (length-- > 0)

    return newArray;

function IncrementState(state: Array<number>, max: number): [state: Array<number>, overflow: boolean] {
    for (let index = 0; index < state.length; index++) {
        if (state[index] == max) {
            state[index] = 0;

            if (index + 1 == state.length)
                return [state, true];

            state[index + 1]++;

    return [state, false];

function GenerateCombinations<T>(choices: Array<T>, length: number): Array<Array<T>> {
    const states = MakeStateArray(length);
    const combinations: Array<Array<T>> = [];

    let done = false
    while (!done) {
        combinations.push(MakeCombination(choices, states));
        done = IncrementState(states, choices.length)[1];

    return combinations;

enum Op {
    MUL = "*",
    ADD = "+",
    CON = "|",

function ApplyOp(a: number, b: number, op: Op): number {
    switch (op) {
        case Op.MUL:
            return a * b;
        case Op.ADD:
            return a + b;
        case Op.CON:
            return Number(`${a}${b}`);

function ApplyOperatorsToNumbers(numbers: Array<number>, ops: Array<Op>): number {
    let prev = ApplyOp(numbers[0], numbers[1], ops[0]);

    for (let index = 2; index < numbers.length; index++) {
        prev = ApplyOp(prev, numbers[index], ops[index - 1])

    return prev;

export const solution_7: AdventOfCodeSolutionFunction = (input) => {
    const numbers = // [{target: 123, numbers: [1, 2, 3, ...]}, ...]
                (v) => v.trim()
                    .map(v => v.trim().split(" ").map(v => Number(v)))
                (v) => {
                    return { target: v[0][0], numbers: v[1] }

    let part_1 = 0;
    let part_2 = 0;

    for (let index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++) {
        const target = numbers[index].target;
        const numbs = numbers[index].numbers;

        // GenerateCombinations(["+", "*"], 2) => [["+", "+"], ["+", "*"], ["*", "+"], ["*", "*"]]
        const combinations = GenerateCombinations([Op.ADD, Op.MUL], numbs.length - 1); 

        // part 1 calculations
        for (let combinationIndex = 0; combinationIndex < combinations.length; combinationIndex++) {
            const combination = combinations[combinationIndex];
            const result = ApplyOperatorsToNumbers(numbs, combination);
            if (result == target) {
                part_1 += result;

        const combinations2 = GenerateCombinations([Op.ADD, Op.MUL, Op.CON], numbs.length - 1);

        // part 2 calculations
        for (let combinationIndex = 0; combinationIndex < combinations2.length; combinationIndex++) {
            const combination = combinations2[combinationIndex];
            const result = ApplyOperatorsToNumbers(numbs, combination);
            if (result == target) {
                part_2 += result;


    return {

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