Day 5: Print Queue
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I got the question so wrong - I thought a|b and b|c would imply a|c so I went and used dynamic programming to propagate indirect relations through a table.
It worked beautifully but not for the input, which doesn’t describe an absolute global ordering at all. It may well give a|c and b|c AND c|a. Nothing can be deduced then, and nothing needs to, because all required relations are directly specified.
The table works great though, the sort comparator is a simple 2D array index, so O(1).
#include "common.h"
#define TSZ 100
#define ASZ 32
/* tab[a][b] is -1 if a<b and 1 if a>b */
static int8_t tab[TSZ][TSZ];
static int
cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return tab[*(const int *)a][*(const int *)b];
main(int argc, char **argv)
char buf[128], *rest, *tok;
int p1=0,p2=0, arr[ASZ],srt[ASZ], n,i, a,b;
if (argc > 1)
DISCARD(freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin));
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) {
if (sscanf(buf, "%d|%d", &a, &b) != 2)
assert(a>=0); assert(a<TSZ);
assert(b>=0); assert(b<TSZ);
tab[a][b] = -(tab[b][a] = 1);
while ((rest = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin))) {
for (n=0; (tok = strsep(&rest, ",")); n++) {
assert(n < (int)LEN(arr));
sscanf(tok, "%d", &arr[n]);
memcpy(srt, arr, n*sizeof(*srt));
qsort(srt, n, sizeof(*srt), cmp);
*(memcmp(srt, arr, n*sizeof(*srt)) ? &p1 : &p2) += srt[n/2];
printf("05: %d %d\n", p1, p2);
return 0;
Part 2 was an interesting one and my solution kinda feels like cheating. What I did I only changed the validation method from part 1 to return the indexes of incorrectly placed pages and then randomly swapped those around in a loop until the validation passed. I was expecting this to not work at all or take forever to run but surprisingly it only takes three to five seconds to complete.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public class Day05 {
private static final Random random = new Random();
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
final String input = Files.readString(Path.of("2024\\05\\input.txt"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
final String[] inputSplit = input.split("[\r\n]{4,}");
final List<PageOrderingRule> rules =[0].split("[\r\n]+"))
.map(row -> row.split("\\|"))
.map(row -> new PageOrderingRule(Integer.parseInt(row[0]), Integer.parseInt(row[1])))
final List<ArrayList<Integer>> updates =[1].split("[\r\n]+"))
.map(row -> row.split(","))
.map(row ->
System.out.println("Part 1: " +
.filter(update -> validate(update, rules).isEmpty())
.mapToInt(update -> update.get(update.size() / 2))
System.out.println("Part 2: " +
.filter(update -> !validate(update, rules).isEmpty())
.map(update -> fixOrder(update, rules))
.mapToInt(update -> update.get(update.size() / 2))
private static Set<Integer> validate(final List<Integer> update, final List<PageOrderingRule> rules) {
final Set<Integer> invalidIndexes = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < update.size(); i++) {
final Integer integer = update.get(i);
for (final PageOrderingRule rule : rules) {
if (rule.x == integer && update.contains(rule.y) && i > update.indexOf(rule.y)) {
else if (rule.y == integer && update.contains(rule.x) && i < update.indexOf(rule.x)) {
return invalidIndexes;
private static List<Integer> fixOrder(final List<Integer> update, final List<PageOrderingRule> rules) {
List<Integer> invalidIndexesList = new ArrayList<>(validate(update, rules));
// Swap randomly until the validation passes
while (!invalidIndexesList.isEmpty()) {
Collections.swap(update, random.nextInt(invalidIndexesList.size()), random.nextInt(invalidIndexesList.size()));
invalidIndexesList = new ArrayList<>(validate(update, rules));
return update;
private static record PageOrderingRule(int x, int y) {}
That’s insane, you just bruteforced it. It definitely would not work for larger arrays
I should probably have used sortBy
instead of this ad-hoc selection sort.
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Map
import Data.Set
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
parse = (,) <$> (fromListWith S.union <$> parseOrder) <*> (eol *> parseUpdate)
parseOrder = endBy (flip (,) <$> (S.singleton <$> parseInt <* char '|') <*> parseInt) eol
parseUpdate = endBy (sepBy parseInt (char ',')) eol
parseInt = read <$> munch1 isDigit
eol = char '\n'
verify :: Map Int (Set Int) -> [Int] -> Bool
verify m = and . (zipWith fn <*> scanl (flip S.insert) S.empty)
fn a = flip S.isSubsetOf (findWithDefault S.empty a m)
getMiddle = ap (!!) ((`div` 2) . length)
part1 m = sum . fmap getMiddle
getOrigin :: Map Int (Set Int) -> Set Int -> Int
getOrigin m l = head $ L.filter (S.disjoint l . preds) (S.toList l)
preds = flip (findWithDefault S.empty) m
order :: Map Int (Set Int) -> Set Int -> [Int]
order m s
| S.null s = []
| otherwise = h : order m (S.delete h s)
h = getOrigin m s
part2 m = sum . fmap (getMiddle . order m . S.fromList)
main = getContents >>= print . uncurry runParts . fst . last . readP_to_S parse
runParts m = L.partition (verify m) >>> (part1 m *** part2 m)
While part 1 was pretty quick, part 2 took me a while to figure something out. I figured that the relation would probably be a total ordering, and obtained the actual order using topological sorting. But it turns out the relation has cycles, so the topological sort must be limited to the elements that actually occur in the lists.
use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap, VecDeque};
fn parse_lists(input: &str) -> Vec<Vec<u32>> {
.map(|l| l.split(',').map(|e| e.parse().unwrap()).collect())
fn parse_relation(input: String) -> (HashSet<(u32, u32)>, Vec<Vec<u32>>) {
let (ordering, lists) = input.split_once("\n\n").unwrap();
let relation = ordering.lines()
.map(|l| {
let (a, b) = l.split_once('|').unwrap();
(a.parse().unwrap(), b.parse().unwrap())
(relation, parse_lists(lists))
fn parse_graph(input: String) -> (Vec<Vec<u32>>, Vec<Vec<u32>>) {
let (ordering, lists) = input.split_once("\n\n").unwrap();
let mut graph = Vec::new();
for l in ordering.lines() {
let (a, b) = l.split_once('|').unwrap();
let v: u32 = a.parse().unwrap();
let w: u32 = b.parse().unwrap();
let new_len = v.max(w) as usize + 1;
if new_len > graph.len() {
graph.resize(new_len, Vec::new())
graph[v as usize].push(w);
(graph, parse_lists(lists))
fn part1(input: String) {
let (relation, lists) = parse_relation(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for l in lists {
let mut valid = true;
for i in 0..l.len() {
for j in 0..i {
if relation.contains(&(l[i], l[j])) {
valid = false;
if !valid { break }
if valid {
sum += l[l.len() / 2];
// Topological order of graph, but limited to nodes in the set `subgraph`.
// Otherwise the graph is not acyclic.
fn topological_sort(graph: &[Vec<u32>], subgraph: &HashSet<u32>) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut order = VecDeque::with_capacity(subgraph.len());
let mut marked = vec![false; graph.len()];
for &v in subgraph {
if !marked[v as usize] {
dfs(graph, subgraph, v as usize, &mut marked, &mut order)
fn dfs(graph: &[Vec<u32>], subgraph: &HashSet<u32>, v: usize, marked: &mut [bool], order: &mut VecDeque<u32>) {
marked[v] = true;
for &w in graph[v].iter().filter(|v| subgraph.contains(v)) {
if !marked[w as usize] {
dfs(graph, subgraph, w as usize, marked, order);
order.push_front(v as u32);
fn rank(order: &[u32]) -> HashMap<u32, u32> {
order.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, x)| (*x, i as u32)).collect()
// Part 1 with topological sorting, which is slower
fn _part1(input: String) {
let (graph, lists) = parse_graph(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for l in lists {
let subgraph = HashSet::from_iter(l.iter().copied());
let rank = rank(&topological_sort(&graph, &subgraph));
if l.is_sorted_by_key(|x| rank[x]) {
sum += l[l.len() / 2];
fn part2(input: String) {
let (graph, lists) = parse_graph(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for mut l in lists {
let subgraph = HashSet::from_iter(l.iter().copied());
let rank = rank(&topological_sort(&graph, &subgraph));
if !l.is_sorted_by_key(|x| rank[x]) {
l.sort_unstable_by_key(|x| rank[x]);
sum += l[l.len() / 2];
also on github
Still in rust, and still inexperienced.
Forgot to make a separate solve for part two, for part one, imagine this without the make_valid function and some slightly different structure changes around the accumulator in babbage().
Used a hash map to track what should be in order, and a few indexed loops to keep track of where I’m at and where to look forward.