Day 3: Mull It Over
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use crate::utils::read_lines;
pub fn solution1() {
let lines = read_lines("src/day3/input.txt");
let sum = lines
.map(|line| {
let mut sum = 0;
let mut command_bytes = Vec::new();
for byte in line.bytes() {
match (byte, command_bytes.as_slice()) {
(b')', [.., b'0'..=b'9']) => {
handle_mul(&mut command_bytes, &mut sum);
_ if matches_mul(byte, &command_bytes) => {
_ => {
println!("Sum of multiplication results = {sum}");
pub fn solution2() {
let lines = read_lines("src/day3/input.txt");
let mut can_mul = true;
let sum = lines
.map(|line| {
let mut sum = 0;
let mut command_bytes = Vec::new();
for byte in line.bytes() {
match (byte, command_bytes.as_slice()) {
(b')', [.., b'0'..=b'9']) if can_mul => {
handle_mul(&mut command_bytes, &mut sum);
(b')', [b'd', b'o', b'(']) => {
can_mul = true;
(b')', [.., b't', b'(']) => {
can_mul = false;
_ if matches_do_or_dont(byte, &command_bytes)
|| matches_mul(byte, &command_bytes) =>
_ => {
println!("Sum of enabled multiplication results = {sum}");
fn matches_mul(byte: u8, command_bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
(byte, command_bytes),
(b'm', [])
| (b'u', [.., b'm'])
| (b'l', [.., b'u'])
| (b'(', [.., b'l'])
| (b'0'..=b'9', [.., b'(' | b'0'..=b'9' | b','])
| (b',', [.., b'0'..=b'9'])
fn matches_do_or_dont(byte: u8, command_bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
(byte, command_bytes),
(b'd', [])
| (b'o', [.., b'd'])
| (b'n', [.., b'o'])
| (b'\'', [.., b'n'])
| (b'(', [.., b'o' | b't'])
| (b't', [.., b'\''])
fn handle_mul(command_bytes: &mut Vec<u8>, sum: &mut usize) {
let first_num_index = command_bytes
.expect("Guarunteed to be there");
let comma_index = command_bytes
.position(|&c| c == b',')
.expect("Guarunteed to be there.");
let num1 = bytes_to_num(&command_bytes[first_num_index..comma_index]);
let num2 = bytes_to_num(&command_bytes[comma_index + 1..]);
*sum += num1 * num2;
fn bytes_to_num(bytes: &[u8]) -> usize {
.map(|(i, digit)| (*digit - b'0') as usize * 10usize.pow(i as u32))
Definitely not my prettiest code ever. It would probably look nicer if I used regex or some parsing library, but I took on the self-imposed challenge of not using third party libraries. Also, this is already further than I made it last year!
def process(input, part2=False):
if part2:
input = re.sub(r'don\'t\(\).+?do\(\)', '', input) # remove everything between don't() and do()
total = [ int(i[0]) * int(i[1]) for i in re.findall(r'mul\((\d+),(\d+)\)', input) ]
return sum(total)
Given the structure of the input file, we just have to ignore everything between donβt() and do(), so remove those from the instructions before processing.
Sub was my first instinct too, but I got a bad answer and saw that my input had unbalanced do/donβt.
I couldnβt figure it out in haskell, so I went with bash for the first part
cat example | grep -Eo "mul\([[:digit:]]{1,3},[[:digit:]]{1,3}\)" | cut -d "(" -f 2 | tr -d ")" | tr "," "*" | paste -sd+ | bc
but this wouldnβt rock anymore in the second part, so I had to resort to python for it
import sys
f = "\n".join(sys.stdin.readlines())
f = f.replace("don't()", "\ndon't()\n")
f = f.replace("do()", "\ndo()\n")
import re
enabled = True
muls = []
for line in f.split("\n"):
if line == "don't()":
enabled = False
if line == "do()":
enabled = True
if enabled:
for match in re.finditer(r"mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)", line):
muls.append(int( * int(
Rust feat. pest
No Zalgo here! I wasted a huge amount of time by not noticing that the second partβs example input was different - my code worked fine but my test failed π€¦ββοΈ is lovely, although part two made my PEG a bit ugly.
part1 = { SOI ~ (mul_expr | junk)+ ~ EOI }
part2 = { (enabled | disabled)+ ~ EOI }
mul_expr = { "mul(" ~ number ~ "," ~ number ~ ")" }
number = { ASCII_DIGIT{1,3} }
junk = _{ ASCII }
on = _{ "do()" }
off = _{ "don't()" }
enabled = _{ (SOI | on) ~ (!(off) ~ (mul_expr | junk))+ }
disabled = _{ off ~ (!(on) ~ junk)+ }
use std::fs;
use color_eyre::eyre;
use pest::Parser;
use pest_derive::Parser;
#[grammar = "memory.pest"]
pub struct MemoryParser;
fn parse(input: &str, rule: Rule) -> eyre::Result<usize> {
let sum = MemoryParser::parse(rule, input)?
.expect("input must be ASCII")
.filter(|pair| pair.as_rule() == Rule::mul_expr)
.map(|pair| {
.map(|num| num.as_str().parse::<usize>().unwrap())
fn part1(filepath: &str) -> eyre::Result<usize> {
let input = fs::read_to_string(filepath)?;
parse(&input, Rule::part1)
fn part2(filepath: &str) -> eyre::Result<usize> {
let input = fs::read_to_string(filepath)?;
parse(&input, Rule::part2)
fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {
let part1 = part1("d03/input.txt")?;
let part2 = part2("d03/input.txt")?;
println!("Part 1: {part1}\nPart 2: {part2}");
fun part1(input: String): Int {
val pattern = "mul\\((\\d{1,3}),(\\d{1,3})\\)".toRegex()
var sum = 0
pattern.findAll(input).forEach { match ->
val first = match.groups[1]?.value?.toInt()!!
val second = match.groups[2]?.value?.toInt()!!
sum += first * second
return sum
fun part2(input: String): Int {
val pattern = "mul\\((\\d{1,3}),(\\d{1,3})\\)|don't\\(\\)|do\\(\\)".toRegex()
var sum = 0
var enabled = true
pattern.findAll(input).forEach { match ->
if (match.value == "do()") enabled = true
else if (match.value == "don't()") enabled = false
else if (enabled) {
val first = match.groups[1]?.value?.toInt()!!
val second = match.groups[2]?.value?.toInt()!!
sum += first * second
return sum