Do you agree with this or not?
Brexit never made sense.
Nothing has changed.
Honestly, IMO Britain needs to just let go of this ‘special relationship’ nonsense with the US that we seem to think we have. It only applies when the US wants us to join in one of their wars, or hassle Europe about something which we can’t even do properly anymore since we left the EU. Otherwise the US really doesn’t give two shits about what we’re doing.
We’re a European country, not an American state. We should act as such and move closer to being part of Europe, instead of trying to suck up to an isolationist powder-keg on the other side of the world. (Which I’m assuming will be the case once the MAGAs are in charge.)
The world needs to just shun him and his appointees. I wish the world leaders would just completely divest themselves from the US involvement. Just let us stew in it all.
Europe is DEEPLY dependent on the US though. That would be suicide and economic ruin.
Time to ween. It is going to hurt, but we need to grow apart if we are unwilling to act with any maturity and forethought. It’ll hurt the US as well. There need to be consequences.
Not British, but this was a terrible move on Britain side and fell right into what Kremlin wanted:
(Notice that this book was published in 1997)
Yup, 100%. Labour should finally grow a pair and take the UK back into EU.
Yes, the majority of Brexitiers are from former UKIP and Conservative ranks. But I’m constantly surprised how people don’t understand that a sizeable minority of Labour voters pushed Brexit over the line. These are Labour voters that the party still wants to court.
Labour isn’t going to grow a pair. Because growing a pair would send them straight out of office after they fought so hard to get back in.
That is the realpolitik. But as the demographic moves on, and anyone able to change their mind looks how it has turned out, we calls to rejoin in some form will be overwhelming.
It’s realpolitik in a country governed by FPTP.
Fix our broken election system and we’ll have center rigir/center-left governments like every other European country.
Yes, because pandering to racists ended so well in Germany before the ww2. Oh, hold on…
No, I’m sorry, you don’t simply dismiss views that you don’t hold as being Nazi racist. That’s cheap and does nothing to persuade Labour Brexit voters from rethinking their opposition to the EU. A lot of them feel (felt) that their livelihoods were being constantly threatened by a race to the bottom for cheap labour imported by freedom of movement. The unions were pretty vocal about wanting more state intervention and subsidies that, they felt, were not permitted under EU law.
Now what you need to do is tackle these questions head on and convince these Labour Brexit voters that this isn’t the case. How does a modern Labour party show that these voters haven’t been left behind by EU integration. Calling them Nazis just alienates them and, guess what, causes a crushing defeat to Boris Fucking Johnson.
Brexit makes no sense in any world.
Except the one invented in Farage etcs brain farts.