blablabla Québec will change it when NY state change it, and Ontario will change it too the minute NY change it.
Provinces will never do a move by themselves.
I don’t care whether we pick Standard Time or Daylight Savings Time or create a new timezone that splits the difference, but we should choose one and stick with it.
Part of the problem is that the timezone boundaries have been distorted out of their proper geographical shape by politics, so one or the other edge of each distorted timezone always has some desynchronization between wall-clock time and sun position. Which edge it is varies depending on whether ST or DST is currently in force.
Or, we could just completely decouple the wall clock from solar time and put everyone on UTC. It makes synchronizing long-distance travel and communications much easier, and if the clock happens to say “5:00PM” or “7:00AM” when the sun is high in the sky and you’re eating lunch, what does that really matter? Unfortunately, there are some people who seem unable to accept that the number on the clock is arbitrary.
Yeah, I don’t care what numbers the clock show I don’t want to have to addapt to waking up one hour earlier or later than before. It messes with my internal clock and makes me not want to wake up or wake up too early for at least a month or two after each change.
In principle I agree. Changing so our clocks so a few people don’t have to do seasonal hours is silly. The only problem with everyone using UTC is the days. Incrementing the day, or flipping the date in the middle of a workday is annoying. It’s solvable, but just sticking to a time is good enough.
As long as a bunch of the world is changing their clocks one way while a bunch changes it another is done away with, conversion to UTC for coordination is simple.
Nah, let the computers do the things that they’re good at, like calculating time differentials. And let people reference something real, like the sunrise and sunset. The whole daylight savings time vs. standard time is dumb, and political timezones are unfortunate, but any time system becomes meaningless when it becomes too decoupled from the way people actually experience time. I don’t care when noon is in Europe, noon will always be roughly midday for me. I don’t expect that’s an unpopular opinion for anyone that spends any significant portion of their time outside.
I hate being in a time zone where in winter, the sun comes 7:00 and sets at 16:00…
Most of us have 9-5 jobs. I’d rather have the sun up around 8 and still have some tiny sliver of light when i leave the office
Go farther north and see what time zone works then. (Hint: none)
It’s obvious your longitude isn’t the issue: you may need a latitude adjustment!
I’d like the world to agree on at least all changing time on the same day or none at all. So we can just remember the offset to everywhere else just once.
There will be people who prefer reasonably early sunrise to pleasantly late sunset, and we could shift office hours 1/2 hour or so to adapt for people on edge of time zones.
I have been living a life without timekeeping for almost 2 decades I threw out my watch when I retired… If I have to make an appointment I let my phone keep track for me… I never know what time of day it is nor what day of the week or the month and it has never mattered even once… I eat when hungry and sleep when tired…