2 points
I think Bagel needs a little cream cheese… (I have no idea what that means in relation to a seal…but… bagel needs some love, okay?)
I think Bagel needs a little cream cheese… (I have no idea what that means in relation to a seal…but… bagel needs some love, okay?)
Fediverse community for the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre!
Current Patients (mmrpatients.org)
This is currently an unofficial community. If any VAMMR staff members want to take over this community, I’m more than happy to transfer it over :)
The Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Society (VAMMR) is a global leader in marine mammal rescue, research, and rehabilitation. [They] respond to over 300 marine mammal emergencies each year and operate Canada’s only dedicated marine mammal hospital facility.
Monthly active users