I’ll go first.
3 options
- Going back to 1964 to watch the Duke Ellington’s Montreal show. Try to meet the man and the musicians. Hang around my city.
- Go in the end of the 70s to meet my parents before they had kids. Grab a couple of beers and party with my young adults parents. See my uncles, etc. in their young time
- Going to 1881 during the couple of days when Nietzsche wrote Zarathoustra. I want to discuss with guy even if he is supposed to be writing all day long. No consequence right.
What are yours?
EDIT: I’ll clarify: You can’t affect the timeline. It means you cant go back to try to get rich with stocks, lottery, etc. It’s like going to see a movie, when you come back the world will be exactly the same. You can interact with people, but in the end, the day you spend in the past will not have existed for anyone but you, in your memories.
I’d try to meet the Buddha, and see if he could shed some of that instant enlightenment on me. In the stories, he seemed to be able to say just the right thing to people to wake them up out of the matrix.
My first answer was “buy Apple stock” but no effect on the time line probably means I don’t make any money. (well wait, what about enlightenment then, does that come with me?)
Gonna go see some dinosaurs
Prevent myself from being born.
Berlin Wall sightseeing.
Berlin Wall sightseeing.
I actually did that haha!! I’m Canadian, but we lived in Germany from 1987 to 1992. So I got to see the wall before and after it fell. Honestly it was terrifying for a kid. There’s was military every 20 meters or so, and they wouldn’t allow people to get close to the wall. It’s one of rare instance where I didn’t feel safe, even being with my parents as a 8 years old-ish.
Initially I read that as “you can go back in time for 24 hours” and thought why would 24 hours ago be that interesting? :)
So my initial answer is: Not eating the late night burger I had last night.
My final answer is: San Francisco in the 60s/70s to hang out with the Dead and all the other amazing artists of that time. Maybe see a show at the Fillmore.