I’m moving to a new machine soon and want to re-evaluate some security practices while I’m doing it. My current server is debian with all apps containerized in docker with root. I’d like to harden some stuff, especially vaultwarden but I’m concerned about transitioning to podman while using complex docker setups like nextcloud-aio. Do you have experience hardening your containers by switching? Is it worth it? How long is a piece of string?
Definitely Podman
Alternatively you could use docker in virtual machines
Hey bigdickdonkey, I recently tried and wasn’t able to shit my way through podman, there just wasn’t enough chatter and guides about it. I plan to revisit it when Debian 13 comes out, which will include podman quadlets. I also tried to get podman quadlets to work on Ubuntu 24 and got closer, but still didn’t manage and Ubuntu is squicky.
I read about true user rootless Docker and decided that was too finicky to keep up to date. It needs some annoying stuff to update, from what I could tell. I was planning on many users having their own containers, and that would have gotten annoying to manage. Maybe a single user would be an OK burden.
The podman people make a good argument for running podman as root and using userns to divvy out UIDs to achieve rootless https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/rootless-podman-user-namespace-modes but since podman is on the back burner till there’s more community and Debian 13, I applied that idea to Docker.
So I went with root Docker with the goals of:
- read only
- set user to different UID:GID for each container
- silo containers in individual Docker networks
- nothing gets /var/run/docker.sock
- cap_drop: all
- security-opt=no-new-privileges
- volumes all get tagged with :rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,Z
Basically it’s the security best practices from this list https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Docker_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html
This still has risk of the Docker daemon being hacked from the container itself somehow, which podman eliminates, but it’s as close to the podman ideal I can get within my knowledge now.
Most things will run as rootless+read-only+cap_drop with minor messing. Automatic ripping machine would not, but that project is a wild ride of required permissions. Everything else has succumbed, but I’ve needed to sometimes have a “pre launch container” to do permission changes or make somewhere like /opt writable.
I would transition one app stack at a time to the best security practices, and it’s easier since you don’t need to change container managers. Hope this helps!
Quartets are a great idea but I found them very annoying in real life and ended switching back to docker.
As long as you’re on Linux, podman is superior and will do all of the things you’re asking about. If you need to also support Windows or Mac, Docker is the only thing that will work (although people have told me Rancher isn’t bad now for a couple of years).
podman works on windows hosts, as long as you don’t need windows containers
And as long as you don’t need simple access to most features such as volumes. The podman implementation on not Linux leaves quite a bit to be desired for anyone trying to do more than just run a binary wrapped in a container. I’m not throwing shade because it’s FOSS and anything is better than Docker. Only Docker will work for a production-capable dev environment on not Linux unless podman’s development has exponentially increased in the last year since I tried to move a shop to podman on not Linux.
I’m running podman and podman-compose with no problem. And I’m happy. At first I was confused by the uid and gid mapping the containers have, but you’ll get used to it.
This are some notes I took, please don’t take all of it for the right choice.
To use the fuse-overlay driver, the storage must be configured:
driver = "overlay"
runroot = "/run/user/1000"
graphroot = "/home/<user>/.local/share/containers/storage"
mount_program = "/usr/bin/fuse-overlayfs"
Lingering (running services without login / after logout)
sudo loginctl enable-linger <user>
Do you need to set lingering for all container users you set up? Does it restart all services in your compose files without issue?