We’ll see what happens in 2025, of course.
How are you supposed to even run a state using the Bible? The old testament has some specific brutal and irrelevant rules. Then new testament tells you not to do that anymore. Then in its place the New Testament says VIRTUALLY NOTHING about how to run a state. Seriously.
All Jesus’ teaching are appeals to personal conscience. He’s NEVER talking to Christians about how to rule other people. Except, you know, where he explicitly says not to do that
“You know that the rulers of the [unbelievers] lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. NOT SO WITH YOU. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be a servant”. Mat 20:25-26
About the only thing you can get from the New Testament is Paul saying that god appoints governments and that they bear the sword to punish the wrongdoer.
That’s it.
Anything about property rights? Bodily right? Tort? Balance of powers? Structure of executive, legislative. ANYTHING??!
The founding fathers didn’t base the constitution on the Bible because you can’t in any way that makes the slightest bit of sense.
“Do not resist the evil people do” (Mat 5:39)… “Do not refuse the one who wants to take from you… Give him the shirt off your back also” (Mat 5:40). Codify that. Good luck!
Jefferson wrote/cut/paste his own Bible removing the magic-y stuff attributed to Jesus.
I read the Constitution in my Bible, so obviously the founding fathers intended this country to be Christian, modeled after the godly mega churches.
If it’s not supposed to be the church then why is the prevailing ideology around here “store brand catholic social theory”?
If it’s not what it’s supposed to be then why is all the messaging around here basically “capitalism=bad, distributism=good”? Ascetic veganism routinely wins out as morally superior to mercantilism on this platform, suppressing Siddhartha’s exit from the woods.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. It wasn’t supposed to be because the founder’s writings and the Constitution says so. Not to mention the never-repealed Barbary treaties which make it explicit that the United States is in no way a Christian country.
You don’t seem to understand the difference between “supposed to be” and “is.”
These dumbasses. Can they read the first fucking sentence? They quote it all the time, maybe try reading it. It says
“We the people…”
“We the people and invisible dieties…”
Nobody is coming down from on high to save us. It’s only us to solve every problem.