I’ve spent the past few weeks working on an introductory one-shot adventure for my free RPG system, Tellan! You can check out the one-shot, A Simple Delivery, here: https://coen-balkestein.itch.io/a-simple-delivery
The adventure is written for Tellan, but it can easily be adapted for other RPG systems. Tellan is available for free here: https://coen-balkestein.itch.io/tellan
All feedback is warmly welcome, as I’d love to keep improving it! :^)
Cool! I like the maps, I bought it to incorporate into my ongoing game.
After reading you comment I felt inspired to draw some more battle maps in the same style :^) Thank you again for your support on the one-shot!
This looks really cool!
Reading your intro for Tellan, I might want to try this.
Also, seeing your name, are youb Dutch by any chance?
Ah wat leuk! Mocht je Tellan ooit een keertje proberen en je hebt vragen of feedback laat het gerust weten ;^)