I don’t know. I live in one of the many western democracies that have maybe six or seven relatively normal parties to vote for; as well as a few more to the edges of the political spectrum. I think this question only applies to people in the US.
If someone tells me they voted third party, I just tell them that’s great and ask what they’re going to do now. Never get much of an answer.
Because it’s so obvious. They are going donate a reasonable amount from their income to support that party. On the weekends they will canvas locally and participate in community events being sure to show their support for their third party. Then when an election comes up they are going to garner support from their party and have them finance someone local to participate in their local and state elections.
Why would they waste time trying to explain? The problem lies with your understanding, not their actions.
But look, I’ve voted third party a lot, and I could tell you what other activities I do to make the world a better place. If I did, would you stop saying this kind of thing in the future? Do you promise?
No, but the constant crowd-surfing can get uncomfortable.
I’m not up to date with American politics. Do you pre-drink before third party or is the second party enough to give you a buzz?
Why would we?
It’s just so menial compared to the huge impact your impeccable morals will achieve.