Am I the only one who never promotes Linux?
I’m currently holding an opinion that everyone who can enjoy Linux will eventually try it on their own.
I think, despite what many people say, an average user still has a very rough time using it, and in my opinion you need some level of nerdiness in order to overcome adaptation pains, and such people already use internet in a nerdy way and will try out Linux on their own eventually.
I would not actually recommend it to anyone IRL, but on the internet? Sure. You are not happy with the lack of privacy on Windows? I have the solution for you! Also I setup my dad with Mint after Win XP support ran out. He uses nothing but Chrome and Thunderbird anyways. Just taught him how to do updates and he is good to go.
Windows Problem?
You get a weird error code and nobody knows what it means. Problably you need to disable Privacy Settings or pay for stuff.
Linux Problem?
You will find 50 answers on either abandoned software, commands that only work on Ubuntu, People recommending Linux Mint “because it worked for me for 10 years”. In the end you find out that every Distro sucks, and the good ones are not well known. Probably you need to Distrohop i.e. reinstall, because for some reason it worked on Installation and now its broken.
Fedora Atomic ftw!
My Dad had a problem where MS Edge “opened itself” with a weird Bing search once in a while. Turns out, Windows has some weird lockscreen recommendations that are enabled by default and he clicked on them to go to the login screen.
I have a friend who hates Microsoft in probably every way possible, yet still uses Windows, because he doesn’t want to use “the nerd OS”.