27 points

This is the biggest BS imaginable

23 points

You know, having a Latino name takes this to the next level.

“Luis Arturo Fernando De La Rosa Elisondo De Los Montero”

Yeah… And my name ends in “-el” so 3 minute wall-sit it is

6 points

Let’s not forget the last bit:

Repeat if necessary!

6 points

So. Many. Wall. Sits.

2 points

Do you count the de’s and la’s as names? To me you’d have your mother’s surname’s R and E and father’s (L) M, plus you names LAF. Though, 3 first names, that’s going strong! You guys do use mother/father and not father/mother when ordering right?

2 points

I work with data, and just today I found the longest name in our database, it was 46 characters long counting spaces and it consisted of three names and three surnames (which in reality is only two, but one is twice as long).

Mine is 37 characters long and I have two first names and a “Del”. My girlfriend’s is 33 and she has three first names.

The “De”, “Del”, “La”, “Los”, “De La” etc, count as part of a surname. For example “Del Río” is a surname.

For the exaggerated example I gave before, I chose a Telenovela sounding name, those are very uncommon but do exist in the wild. For more examples, I’d recommend you check out spanish royalty names, they are a lot longer and include a bunch of titles a la ‘king of the Andals and the First Men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm’ but with saint names and things like that.

2 points

Heh, I got 33 characters (31 not counting the “de”) in mine and that’s because I didn’t get more than one first name since my parents preferred it that way, but everyone here often gets two.

In mine the de is a separator and we often omit it. So I wouldn’t count it.

Yeah royalty names get crazy, even there noble ones, they want to display all origins and since they inbred with all the possible houses at this point they got a lot of stickers to flaunt about.

Just found the 3 first names unusual and interesting =)

20 points

Imagine being Pablo Picasso and doing this list … his full official documented name is

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso

10 points

lol this guide has me doing nothing but tons of jumping jacks, a few crunches, squats, and way too many wall sit minutes. It might be ok for like… once in a while…? But I’d probably need to repeat several times to get any sort of workout from it, and it wouldn’t be a very effective workout.

Cool idea, but maybe needs more variety so that doesn’t happen. Lunges, planks, up-downs, jump rope, left-right glides, tai-bo punches, high-knee twists, etc. (skip jump rope if this is fully equipment-free) Or like maybe if the letters rotate on the daily or smth.

3 points

@BubbleMonkey @partybot I got 75 pushups and 45 burpees. Plus a bunch of other stuff. Great time to be Joe Lee.

9 points

40 jumping jacks, followed by checks notes 30 jumping jacks. Alright then.


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