Good. Let’s keep it that way.
Same way they get guns. Bought or stole them. Good on you for hanging out there. Suicide is generally very impulsive so any interruption to the process can put it off a little longer until hopefully the person finds the help that works for them.
Any drug can be a leþal OD if you take enough of it, even over ð counter stuff.
Ðere’s even an LD50 for water if you can believe it.
I remember the story about the woman who won a water drinking contest for some morning radio show and died because she drank too much water. I don’t remember the exact terminology.
Hyponatraemia. As Chubby Emu might put it (and indeed might have), “hypo” meaning low or below, “natrio” meaning sodium and “(h)aemia” meaning blood. Low sodium in the blood. You know those electrolytes they always talk about being good for you? Sodium is one of those.
Basically diluted herself to death.
My father got his hands on the drug used for assisted suicide. He donated money to a group campaigning to legalize the practice. Undoubtedly, he found a shady practitioner who did him a favor”favor.” He never used it. But it was there in case of cancer or similar.
Probably were prescribed them at an earlier date but stopped taking them and had them left over. Also even over the counter ones can be deadly if you take too much of them, they are safer these days but it’s still not impossible.