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Aus Mastodon von Michael Albert übernommen:
Britische Forscher haben herausgefunden, dass Steuersenkungen für Reiche keinen (Trickle-Down-) Effekt auf den Wohlstand eines Landes haben. Die Reichen werden lediglich reicher und die Ungleichheit steigt.
“Everything worked out.” – The Rich
People have been mocking trickle down economics from day one. Even in 1981 then Vice President George H. W. Bush called it Voodoo Economics to emphasize the bullshit factor. By the early 90s it was already being mocked heavily… and after the economic crash of 2008 people were drawing more attention to it’s bullshit. Yet still nothing changes.
Put it on the pile with all the other studies saying the exact same fucking shit
50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, a quick cursory glance at literally anything says.*
I’ve been seeing these headlines my whole life, and the only thing that changes is the amount of time. – 25 years of data disproves trickle-down economics – Experts agree, 30 years later, trickle-down doesn’t work – After four decades, trickle-down finally debunked – Thanks economists, but you really don’t need to keep researching this; a lack of evidence isn’t the problem.