What are your most liked alias for long commands or just to give them better names.
Mine are:
alias load="source .load.sh"
alias eload="$EDITOR .load.sh"
alias gpush="git push"
alias gadd="git add --all"
alias gcommit="git commit -m "
alias gst="git status -s"
alias gpull="git pull"
I use this function to launch GUI apps from the shell without occupying that shell or cluttering it with their output:
nown() {
if [ -n "$1" ]
nohup $@ &> /dev/null & disown
echo "Don't give me a null command dumbass."
Interesting, git do support aliases too. “git st” etc What is .load.sh?
mkcd() { mkdir -p “$1” && cd “$1”; }
Make a directory and immediately cd into it. I rarely make a directory and not cd into it.
Selection of my fish abbreviations for comfy terminal creatures:
# MISC -----------------
abbr -a la 'exa -la'
abbr -a p 'python'
abbr -a v 'nvim'
abbr -a rmd 'rm -rf'
abbr -a feh 'feh --scale-down -d'
abbr -a ka 'doas killall'
abbr -a fp 'ffplay'
abbr -a ff 'firefox'
abbr -a tree 'exa -T'
abbr -a libver 'dpkg -l | grep'
abbr -a ex 'chmod +x'
# specific file and directory based
abbr -a notes 'nvim ~/.vimwiki/index.md'
abbr -a idir 'cd ~/some/important/dir'
abbr -a fishconf 'nvim ~/.config/fish/config.fish'
abbr -a vimconf 'nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim'
abbr -a i3conf 'nvim ~/.config/i3/config'
# PACMAN ---------------
abbr -a pin 'doas pacman -S'
abbr -a pun 'doas pacman -Rns'
abbr -a pss 'pacman -Ss'
abbr -a pls 'pacman -Qd'
abbr -a aurls 'paru -Qm'
abbr -a pct 'pacman -Q | wc -l'
abbr -a syu 'paru -Syu'
abbr -a pcl 'paccache -r -k 1; paru --cc;'
abbr -a pfd 'pacman -Qs'
# GIT ------------------
abbr -a ga 'git add -A; git status'
abbr -a gr 'git reset'
abbr -a gd 'git diff'
abbr -a gc 'git commit -m'
abbr -a gdc 'git diff HEAD~0 --stat'
abbr -a gl 'git log'
abbr -a gb 'git branch'
abbr -a gp 'git push origin'
abbr -a gch 'git checkout'
abbr -a gam 'git commit --amend - m'
abbr -a gcl 'git clone'
# RUST -----------------
abbr -a cc 'cargo clippy --all-features'
abbr -a ccc 'cargo check'
abbr -a cb 'cargo build'
abbr -a cr 'cargo run'
abbr -a cbr 'cargo build --release'
abbr -a crr 'cargo run --release'
abbr -a ct 'cargo test'
abbr -a ctt 'cargo tarpaulin --ignore-tests --skip-clean'
abbr -a bacon 'bacon clippy-all -w'
abbr -a cil 'cargo install --path ./'
abbr -a cia 'cargo install-update -a'
abbr -a ca 'cargo add'
I don’t use aliases. Since I use fish
as a login shell, I use abbreviations. I have a lot of them configured. But I think my favorite one is yeet
which expands to paru -Rcns