I’m pulling for Monday. Friday’s already mostly a write-off.
The 4 day work week likely won’t be established as the standard until Socialism is achieved and the bourgeoisie overthrown, but when that happens it will depend on the job and sector, likely working with different shifts to maintain 24/7 production but with lower workload. Probably a move to a 30 hour work-week, like what PSL suggests.
Don’t be so cynical!
The 4 day work week could be established under capitalism so it’s easier to have two fulltime jobs. 💀
For football fans, the answer is Monday.
Id rather kill Wednesday.
I’d be so disappointed by this.
Every time I take a day off midweek, it feels like doubling the number of weeks in the week, rather than reducing the number of days.
I’ve found it precisely the opposite: Monday is like a Thursday (so experientially two Thursdays and two Fridays) with a free day to schedule doctor’s appointments, car fixes, and all the other little things you’d normally have to take PTO for but now do not
Wait, so you get a 4 day week but everyone else has to do 5 days so you can go to your appointments?
I am self employed and actually do that whenever possible (which is a rare occurrence these days,but I managed to do it for six month once). It sounds counterintuitive to do so, but it’s actually a fairly nice concept. You work for two days, which is not that long and offers you enough chance to really work “all in”. Then you sleep in in Wednesday and do most of the weekly chores - all that shit you would normally do half of your Saturday. And then you do another two days, already approaching a full weekend - which is far less likely to be interrupted by these lousy chores you normally need to do. And if some things remain,you are not having four but two work days in your bones - which makes them easier and usually faster to put behind you.
Can I ask what you do? I need to get a job and I’m dreading it after being out of the work force for a bit. Id much rather be my own boss.
I also vote Monday. Seems to be easier to get back to work after a Monday holiday vs a Friday holiday.
Super optimistic title there lol
I’m with Cowbee. I don’t see this happening outside of a few mom and pop places that decide to do it on their own until “government” forces the change. Just look at the 3 letter jackasses freaking out about WFH.
I was looking for fully remote jobs recently. All the local jobs are back to 3 days in office. One of the recruiters said something like “our employees are happy to go into the office three days a week” and my eyes nearly rolled out of my skull.