Russia is suspected of deliberately leaking chemical waste into a river, with deadly consequences for wildlife.

Ukrainian officials say the Russians deliberately poisoned the Seym River, which flows into the Desna. The Desna connects with a reservoir in the Kyiv region and a water supply used by millions.

The pollution crossed the international border just over a mile away and made its way into Ukraine’s Sumy region. The Seym’s natural ecosystem crashed. Fish, molluscs and crayfish were asphyxiated as oxygen levels fell to near zero. Settlements along the river reported mass die-offs.

48 points

Chemical warfare and ecocide in one.

Putin needs to rot in an arctic prison and worry about poisoning every day.

Netanyahu also needs to rot in prison.

The world can’t take this anymore from you power hungry ghouls and the people who support you.

22 points

Russia and poisoning waters? Where I have heard that before…

14 points

Lake Karachay was then designated a close-by and convenient dumping ground for large quantities of high-level radioactive waste too “hot” to store in the facility’s underground storage vats. The original plan was to use the lake to store highly radioactive material until it could be returned to the Mayak facility’s underground concrete storage vats, however it later became impossible due to the lethal levels of radioactivity.

Holy shit, I’ve never heard about this before. What the hell were they thinking, a body of water has to be the worst possible choice to store nuclear waste. The whole thing is baffling.

In 1990, the radiation level in the region near where radioactive effluent was discharged into the lake was 600 röntgens per hour (approximately 6 Sv/h) according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, sufficient to give a lethal dose to a human within less than an hour.

Jesus Christ.

6 points

22 points

What. The. Fuck.

17 points

Hope that gets Ukraine more weapons to shove up Russias ass.

13 points

Russia is a slow creeping doom. You don’t want it near you or you loved ones. They don’t care for their citizens and they sure don’t care about you.


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DISCORD - Collapse

Earth - A Global Map of Wind, Weather and Ocean Conditions - Use the menu at bottom left to toggle different views. For example, you can see where wildfires/smoke are by selecting “Chem - COsc” to see carbon monoxide (CO) surface concentration.

Climate Reanalyzer (University of Maine) - A source for daily updated average global air temps, sea surface temps, sea ice, weather and more.

National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center (US) - Information about ENSO and weather predictions.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) Global Temperature Rankings Outlook (US) - Tool that is updated each month, concurrent with the release of the monthly global climate report.

Canadian Wildland Fire Information System - Government of Canada

Surging Seas Risk Zone Map - For discovering which areas could be underwater soon.

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