I’m not going to do a detailed write up on this but I’ve always heard that The Force Unleashed was a really good set of Star Wars games that are still worth playing today, if not for the game at least for the story. That wasn’t my experience at all.

This is just my opinion and experience but the first game is awful to play in 2024. Most of your abilities miss the target every time. Picking up objects with the force has a 50% chance of picking up the wrong thing, sometimes from way off screen and often missing stuff in the foreground. Throwing them is also incredibly inaccurate, often times you’ll just throw things at walls or the sky. The combat isn’t balanced whatsoever and it’s basically unplayable at higher difficulties.

Your force grab and throw abilities make most enemies pointless and your light saber does surprisingly little damage even with upgrades. Far better to just bounce people off the wall. Then what’s worse is later on they introduce shields that stop you from using the force on some enemies. They do pretty much the same but with the lightsaber getting blocked. Rather than encouraging variety, they just leave a giant hole in the combat. It’s dreadful. The mechs are also ridiculous to engage and can’t be engaged in melee should they stomp you to death. The even worser part is, the story is 6/10 interesting and the boss battles are a mess.

Then the second game, oh boy. On PC it’s almost entirely broken. It crashes and most of the cutscenes don’t play unless you patch the game (I did) and even then, crashes happen often. I had about 10 over just 4-5 hours. Textures also glitch and slowdown is frequent. I played both games with a 60fps patch (necessary imo) and the performance issues exited with or without that patch. Awful.

The good news is the second game has a decent story and surprising visuals. The combat is much improved and a lot more balanced honestly. It’s just that the gameplay is incredibly dated. The whole game is mostly just go to room, door is locked, enemies appear, you kill them, door unlocks, repeat until boss fight. There’s also platforming here which is… bad. Inaccurate controls and imprecise movement makes that hell. So the second game is much better even with the issues, but I still barely had fun with it.

Seems to me like these games rode by on the gimmick of the dark side and extreme power. In their time, both games were pretty good. All of my friends seemed to like them. But in this year? I don’t think there’s any reason to play the first, and only novelty in the second. Just watch the cutscenes are movies.

I’m sure many people have nostalgia for this though. These games used to be more unique and the story was unusual for the time. Sadly we aren’t likely to see a continuation and finish to this series. Thoughts?

18 points

It was a euphoria engine showcase back in the day which really made it feel next gen without that as a wow factor I can see why it might not line up to it’s historical hype

2 points

I actually think both games look really good for when they were released. Even now, TFU2 looks really decent with facial animations. The graphics are a shining moment in both games but the PC port is absolutely broken and ruins the visuals of both. Plus being stuck at 30fps in an action game unless you use mods (that break some aspects of the game btw) is kind of disappointing. I wish EA would’ve given us a proper port or remaster by now

15 points
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7 points

Does the Wii version use motion controls? I’m assuming it does. If so, that would make way more sense and I can definitely see how it’d be way more fun to experience that way.

10 points
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12 points

I have a lot of nostalgia for The Force Unleashed, but even playing it back then I remember thinking the combat was kind of rough. I can only imagine how dated the gameplay must feel for someone picking it up for the first time these days. The idea of being this unstoppable Force-user was cool, but from what I remember the game struggled to live up to that promise. Like pulling down the Star Destroyer. It was everywhere in the marketing to show just how powerful you were going to be, but in the game itself it was just this tedious section that dragged on longer than it needed to. At least that’s how I remember it.

3 points

There are several sections like that actually in both games where you’re stuck in sequences for way too long. Both games have a habit of having you sit there mashing a button for 20-30 seconds before anything interesting happens on screen and it’s just not great when games nowadays have moved on from anything like this.

10 points

TFU1 was a lot of fun for me - I 100%ed it on Xbox and had a blast. I remember spending time learning all the moves and becoming a flowing river of death with the combos. The story was pretty cool at the time, but you have to realize it was only competing with the films at that point, and people were hungry for more Star Wars back then.

TFU2 was fucking garbage and I think I played it for all of 45 minutes before going “Nah”.

10 points

Totally agree. I bought these on sale earlier this year, and I was like, “THIS is what everyone kept recommending?”

They can be fun, but they’re PS2 God of War meets Star Wars. I think if you have no nostalgia for them, they’re 6.5/10 at best.

6 points

Older God of war games are a really good comparison, especially with the QTEs.

1 point

Oh, I agree. The older GoW games are perhaps my favorite of their era.


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