Or do you not intend to? Or have you already? Retirement is coming up for me in a few years, so I’m considering my options.
I don’t want to think I “look forward” to retirement. The concept of retirement sounds like the one of the most anti-voluntaryist things I can think of. As my parents might say, give the money toward debt or something.
Make progress on the this is something I want to do list. I’m making progress now but interesting projects build up faster than time to do them. My current list should last about 3000 years…
I will probably spend a full year doing Not A Damn Thing™. After that, who knows. Volunteer somewhere maybe.
“when”? Lmfao it’s a big fat “IF” for those of us 30 and under, buddy.
51 here. I haven’t picked out a grave site, so I don’t have any idea where I’ll be when I can’t work any more.
J/k. Compost me or something. Don’t waste any acreage remembering me. Point being I guess I’ll retire when no one will pay me for anything, and I hope I’m still around for a bit after that but I doubt it.
Slowly sail around the world, maybe document it so folks who might not otherwise have the chance to experience those places, can, if they are interested. Live as small and as green as possible on my boat. Solar, wind turbine, water generator.