Neon has a reputation for producing uniquely constructed horror movies that have a tenacious, offbeat feel. With a vast repertoire, Neon’s horror output covers a diverse range of sub-genres, including sci-fi, body horror, psychological terror, folk horror, and horror satire. Established in 2017 by Tom Quinn and Tim League, Neon has quickly become a household name in reliably high-calibre film production.

From the visceral body horror of Titane to the psychological dread in The Lodge, Neon’s films consistently push the boundaries of conventional horror. Each film offers a fresh and often provocative take on the genre, whether it’s the social commentary woven into the dark satire of Bad Hair or the eerie, post-pandemic paranoia in In the Earth. Neon’s commitment to innovative storytelling and striking visuals makes it a standout in the horror landscape, delivering films that are as intellectually stimulating as they are terrifying.

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