Fights like this is why we’ll never be much better than reddit like obviously this all depends on context and you fucks are trying to paint anyone who listens to anything in a public area as a shit heel. Like ok guess I’ll just be silent forever to not risk pissing off the dude scrolling through Reddit walking past while thinking about how I’m the cause for all the worlds problems. All of you, just grow the fuck up
read in the tiktok voice. yuck.
it’s astounding that so many people are perfectly fine with AI voices, it’s honestly kind of terrifying like if everyone around you was having conversations with bad animatronics
can we please make computers sound like computers? instead of making text to speech sound like skinwalkers make them sound like the AI in subnautica or VEGA in doom 2016
I kinda get irrationally angry with anyone listening to any video audibly anywhere near any other sentient being at all in any context.
Like, wtf
I once got lectured by my dad how I’m the one being selfish and entitled, and how I try to restrict his freedom and comfort during family time, when I tell him to watch videos on mute, or get himself ear plugs, this was in a hotel restaurant might I add.
Jesus fucking christ, the level of anger I felt took me all the way back to being a teenager, I was very close to throwing a tantrum and going to my room without eating.
like, I know somehow that if ol pappy was my age in this time, he’d be on my side about this. I can feel it in my bones.
But he’s ancient now so him and the kids both try to blast whatever stupid video they come across and wonder why anyone would object to having their ears violated.
And don’t even get me started if I somehow hear a FUCKING AD??! In 2024?
Sorry it annoys you, I don’t like headphones.
Edit: the entire world is not the bus or cafe you were momentarily annoyed in. Cry about it more.
No it definitely is your problem, if you’re in a public space like a park and hearing someone play a video on their phone tilts you then uh… that’s what I would define as unstable.
I have my doubts because I’ve listened to ‘little drummer boy’ played by an amateur bagpipe band in what’s basically a parking garage.
Back in the days before smartphones, it was being in the same room as someone choosing a ringtone