This is just project fear. Atlantis is not sinking.
LOL. We lose our freedom of movement and trade deals that even fascist dictatorships get to have now.
Same dictatorships that helped con England into giving up one of its largest advantages.
The French must be jealous of the Germans for having a word for feeling joy at the misfortune of others…
At some point this mess will have to be fixed. Well, I mean technically it doesn’t, but assuming there are adults around it just seems like some of them should clean up the dogshit on the floor.
Or are we waiting for it to smell more so we can rub the morons’ noses into it more? That makes sense too.
Who could have seen this coming?
I remember being in my first college, hearing about the referendum, having 0 experience with politics at the time, and immediately asking how they’re going to maintain trade relationships. Turns out they just fucking didn’t. 😂
Me, a clueless American, immediately realized it was a terrible idea. And half of England voted for it anyway.
Fwiw, since I got a report on this which I just cleared: For the time being, I will not remove memes/meme images in the comments, unless the comment section is getting repetitive. (However, I am still not huge on image memes in the comments here.)
I would love to welcome Scotland and Northern Ireland back into the EU.
Well . . . yeah