I guess it was inevitable that my fellow millennials would carry on the age-old tradition of shitting on the younger generation’s new slang, styles, and behaviors. I don’t know why I thought we might break the cycle.
I’ve found that as an Older Millennial, I actually relate to Gen Z quite a bit and get along with them well. It’s Gen Alpha that I never have any idea what the hell they’re talking about.
L8er sk8ers!
My 4 year old is gen alpha. So I’m kind of glad adults on the internet don’t relate to that generation yet
Most of Gen Zs slang makes sense and you can easily figure it out from context. It even sounds better than older slang in conversation. Skibidi is an exception. W.T.F is that supposed to mean? Is it a verb? An adjective? Both? It sounds dumb and seems to mean nothing…
It’s probably an interjection or an onomatopoeia, like all the other things people say that aren’t really words.
Why it could be an interjection:
- people just say it unprompted and without context.
Why it could be onomatopoeia:
- the word skibidi represents nothing except the sound you make while saying it
Any other ideas?
Millenal here, but yeah there are too many wildly unnecessary sex scenes in a lot of mediaLike, if it’s an earned thing as part of a romance movie? Sure. But if there are bouncing titties I the first 30 minutes I’m just annoyed and uncomfortable. Looking at you HBO, a conversation between two charcters isn’t helped by them banging while talking.
Plz stahp.
But, I’m also ace too… so maybe I’m biased 😂
even when it’s earned, very rarely do i have to see exactly how someone does a fuck to understand the plot. like what am i supposed to feel, horny? because i certainly don’t get teary eyed and sentimental over what is essentially softcore porn lmao
Exactly!!! Porn exists and is easily accessible to anyone that looks. I watch TV and movies for story and charcters, not softcore. It’s just tacky and uncomfortable to make it part of an otherwise serious drama. Yes humans have sex and that’s nothing to be ashamed of nor hidden, but we don’t need tits and titillation to show these two characters are intimate.
When i grew up, i liked sex scenes in movies, because where else would you see it? There was no interet. Now i really don’t like sex scenes because they are pretty much always stupid and pointless, and i see more a creepy ass director jerking himself off. I started to see the same thing with feet and it just feels creepy. I don’t really like feet to begin with, but ever since i realised that a lot of people have a foot fetish, i’m starting to see it in movies, where there is no reason for people to be barefoot. Like in the earlier marvel movie where women just randomly walked around barefoot for absolutely no reason.
Nudity is kind of the same and i find it mindblowing that it still works. I still hear dudes say that they like … Movie because … Shows her boobs. I find it even grosser, ever since i learned that nude scenes are usually shot first, so the actor is less likely to back out or they have leverage.
The teenagers aren’t having enough sex?
This is a new one.
The kids are not alright. They’re starting to trade sex, drugs and rock and roll for anxiety, depression and crushing expectations.
If you relate to this then you’re old
Tale as old as time. The new generations always have new slang and new cultural norms. All of us confused our elders.
I remember when things like “dude” was a new trend in the late 70’s / early 80’s. My parents and grandparents used to say we sounded like cowboys.
Makes me think of the scene from Easy Rider where they explain “dude” to Jack Nicholson.