I pay for YouTube premium, but it’s a lot of money given they have $0 production cost.
Production, sure. Operational costs, not so much zero. I don’t understand how people think video streaming on any scale can be supported without any income. I don’t think they’re recent pricehike is reasonable, but to think anyone deserves to be able to stream 4k video (albeit low bit rate) without any sort of compensation is beyond me.
I pay for Youtube Premium, because I get a legit way to bypass ads and the creators I watch gets payed more than if I watched ads, but I also use an adblocker pretty much everywhere because they are intrusive and annoying. However I’m not under any illusion that doing so does directly hurt the income of the sites I visit.
People doesn’t really seem to understand how costly and difficult it is to offer a service with 99.99% availability.
I mean that it costs them a lot of money? Yeah sure. But how much is that per viewer and per view?
Making a good youtube video can take hours, days and sometimes month, depending on the content and production effort. All of this labor is free for youtube and similiar to reddit i would say it is far exceeding the value provided by the company.