DNC and DNC shills expecting free votes because they’re democratically funding a genocide instead of fascistly funding a genocide
You morons in November when Trump inevitably wins due to horrendous voter turnout in November from former Democrat voters and not because the 5 communists in the USA made the difference
It’s like a copy paste of Trump v Clinton and clearly no one learned their lesson from literally 8 years ago.
It’s entirely the Democratic Party’s fault if Trump wins another term. But their online cheerleaders are so keen to blame Communists who are such a miniscule percentage of the voting population. Are you going to start Muslim-bashing as well if they don’t turn out in huge numbers to vote for Joenicide?
The sole “Trump will be worse” pitch and constant hostility is absolutely pathetic, and not an election winning strategy. Even your own party leadership knows it. The disconnect between the actual party and it’s online supporters is huge.
And then they ask “wHy dO tHe dEms mOvE tO tHe CenTrE wHeN tHeY lOsE i dOn’T uNdErsTanD”.
SURELY the DNC will listen if they don’t vote, don’t run, and don’t donate, but post a genocide Joe meme from their phone also made available by genocide while wearing clothes manufactured by a genocidal state on land acquired from an ethnic cleansing. That’s the morally upstanding thing to do.
Oh wow now they’re Trump supporters and Communists? LMAO
This is getting ridiculous.
OP does not know what a tankie is.
An authoritarian self-proclaimed ‘leftist’ who loudly decries anything that’s not 100% in-line with their desires as ‘shitlib’ policy that must be opposed even at the cost of ushering in actual fascism. This actual fascism is also often described by tankies as ‘not that bad’ or ‘the exact same’ as the ‘shitlib’ policies they oppose. Dissenters are inevitably reactionaries who must be (often literally) crushed, as they don’t reflect the TRUE will of the people (ie whatever the opinion of the tankie is).