How did they manage to make a shorted version of the name more kludgy than just saying the full name?
@dgerard Not sure where else to post this, but I’ll post it here since this may be related to this thread. Either your account is directly banned on Hachyderm now, or has been defederated. Not sure how all that works, but here’s a screenshot of what your account looks like from a Hachyderm POV.
In case this doesn’t translate to Lemmy, it says your account is suspended.
eh, their loss, my account is where it’s at for quality tech ranting. hachyderm is a bit like but for mastodon.
@dgerard As long the ranting continues unabated on, I suppose it’s nothing to get annoyed about.
if you can’t see my stuff on hachyderm worth a complaint to your admins? or find a host less interested in protecting you from malign influences whether you like it or not
thanks for the notice! I’ll make sure David sees this and do some poking around as well. by any chance, were you able to see if any other accounts show the same error?
@self I don’t think I follow anyone else on If you have one handy, would you post another account name from that instance and I’ll take a look? is the instance admin (also on this instance as so they’re probably the best account to check
whee, i missed that one completely. it seems that some over-eager hachyderm mod suspended 's account. nothing that can be done on our side. (unfortunately i don’t have a backchannel to the hachyderm mods).
The audacity to tout classism and ableism as reasons as to why people should “get to” use LLMs for their “write a novel in a month” challenge…
Even when someone’s inability to write a novel in a month is because of their class or disability, I somehow doubt they want to let a machine write their novel for them. I mean, it’s not like NaNoWriMo is a way to put food on the table or something, right?!!
This feels like the arguments Mid journey fellators fanboys were spouting a year ago (or has it been two?) on how not everyone can afford a school of fine arts 🙄
NaNoWriMo did not say that ‘not writing your novel with AI is classist and ableist’.
What they did say however is almost worse:
We also want to be clear in our belief that the categorical condemnation of Artificial Intelligence has classist and ableist undertones, and that questions around the use of AI tie to questions around privilege.
So you’re classist and ableist and probably privileged if you’re against the use of AI.