when asked to share your fav text/writing/blog/etc. on anarchy or anarchist principals, historical or modern, what do you send and why?
i was thinking the same way as the Unabomber manifesto even before i read it, and then i became more interested in anarchism and found that manifesto. technology can be bad if it is monopolized by big tech companies, and its uncontrolled use is bad for the environment.
wtf do u mean 😭 as an asian i don’t get it when people on the internet saying “fed” things. OP asked so i tell mine, i found anarchism like 2 years ago cuz i was interested learning philosophy from my lectures.
I don’t believe you, but just in case.
He was a conservative, a racist, a sexist, and an all around nutbag. He’s a relentlessly bigoted primitivist, not an anarchist as the word means to anarchists, only in the sense that the establishment uses the term as a boogeyman.
Hey sorry but why are you reacting like that? Calling someone a cop in anarchist circles is a really heavy accusation and should only be done with actual proof. I also think we should own the fact that anarchists have different or sometimes stupid opinions. Othering people that we dont agree with does not foster an environment where people discuss openly and feel comfortable stating their views or asking questions.
Your second comment seems way better because it gives the person you are responding to and all other readers a chance to educate themselves.
chill that’s fine, i just don’t get it why sometimes people call other people fed. at least show an argument why my comment is stupid lol
As already pointed out Ted has highly problematic views that should also be present in his Manisfesto. There are probably anarchist text with similar perspectives that are not so full of bigotry. I would suggest looking into anti civ or other technology critical text on the anarchist library.
Besides that a person that I find very inspiring sometimes mentions the Unabomber and they seemed to be able to get atleast thought provoking perspextives put the Kaczynskis work.
yes but i’m not a fan of him personally… if someone likes justin bieber songs doesn’t mean that the person also likes justin bieber. that manifesto is kinda interesting for me to get more into anarchism since the points there are similar to anarchist principal imo. thanks for the reference tho :]
To Change Everything - an anarchist appeal by crimethinc - because its an intro text that really shows the 2 points I really care about: anarchism is about life / living and anarchist ideals can be applied everywhere
Against the Logic of the Guillotine Why the Paris Commune Burned the Guillotine—and We Should Too - just a good text why shouldnt use the tools of the opressors (the state)
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin - using sci-fi to show how an anarchist society might be organized and also what problems might arise
I just recently finished The Dispossessed (as well as the other Hainish novels) and I thoroughly loved it. Le Guin is an incredible writer and so imaginative in her depiction of an anarchic society and it’s challenges. All of her other books I’ve ever read have antihierarchical or at least anticapitalist themes too, although in a less overt way than The Dispossessed.
Off the top of my head…
- In Defense of Mathematics and its Place in Anarchist Education
- A Mathematician’s Lament (not explicitly anarchist)
- Why Anti-Authoritarians are Diagnosed as Mentally Ill, and How This Helps America’s Illegitimate Authorities Stay in Charge
- Mutualism - The Wolf in Anarchist Clothing
- Red Flags - Before You Join That Org…
I always liked the Anarchist’s Cookbook even though it doesn’t have much to do with the political ideology as much as containing “secret knowledge.”