Blocked that hard-coded google dns garbage.
I have a firewall rule to dst-nat any outgoing DNS requests not coming from piHole back to the piHole server. That way all devices on the LAN are forced to use piHole for DNS and can’t bypass it. I don’t have an OPNSense firewall but I would think it should be able to do that as well.
I do a DNS redirect on my Mikrotik router.
It’s going to suck when DoH and DoT becomes more prevalent.
Hey man, can you share some resources that you followed to configure Opnsense as VM. I am in the same situation, bought a firewall, that I want to use as a hypervisor but didn’t configure yet the Opnsense and would love to educate myself more on the matter.
I’m currently using this guide to setup a OPNsense VM on proxmox. Home Network Guy also has an OPNsense guide, but for a full router.
Thanks for the link but in the series I can only find information about Pfsense and not Opnsense.
Is this to block ads?
No, you can block ads with a pihole. This is because Roku hard codes its dns server as Pihole doesn’t handle IP addresses, only DNS.
Interesting. I set an adblocking dns via DHCP and, as far as I know, the Roku respects it. Ads are blocked and I can see it failing to delivery telemetry in my dns logs (most persistent thing on the network).
I set a rule to catch outside dns to see if anything, the roku included, has been misbehaving.
Pihole blocks the basics for Roku. Things like logs ads etc. but there’s a lot more telemetry that they’re collecting. Here’s a hackernews thread about the topic and the associated article it references.