From a book called “toxicology in a box”
Why is that mouse wearing a Speedo?
Ahhh dammit! Who poisoned the BDSM rat??
I’m not sure if I should open the toxicology box
“Absent bowel sounds”
I think absent bowel sounds generally means no shitting. Bowels are apparently pretty noisy when they’re digesting.
I totally want this book.
The printed book is way too expensive, but the ebook is relatively decent for a medical book.
If you can’t afford it, there’s also a third option at Anna’s library.
I thought you were saying the book is a bit pricy the way a tabletop art book in the $100 range is pricy. So I went to see if it was something I could justify for a friend of mine as a gift… but nope, way too expensive is 100% accurate. $620. Holy shit. It’s pricy the way textbooks are pricy (the worst textbook I got was $1200, and it resold for around $600… wasn’t rentable, and no pdf at the time)
At least the ebook is under 50$, which makes me believe the author knew his printed book was like a collectible and wanted to gain as much money as possible from the people that can afford it (doctors), while also keeping the ebook price relatively affordable for students who actually use it to study.