Hi! I would like to start my journey creating digital art. I’m mostly interested in 2D, although I would like to learn Blender in the future. I haven’t set a learning path yet. I was wondering if it would be better to start drawing on paper and then move on to digital, or if starting with digital tools right from the start would also be a good idea. In any case, I don’t know anything about drawing. Can you recommend some learning resources such as books, YouTube channels, or anything that could be helpful to start? Any advice is greatly appreciated

3 points

Check out “Keys to Drawing” book by Bert Dodson. It gives a good versatile introduction without unnecessary ‘academic drawing’ pressure.

1 point

Did you also get motivation from Pewdiepe’s 100 day challenge?

3 points

No, it’s just something I’d like to learn

2 points

If you don’t know anything about drawing, start with physical media. You can dabble in digital media (get a cheap pen pad for your pc, not a screen one) but a pencil and sketchbook is enough for the essentials.

Skillshare is not that expensive (100 bucks a year) and has a lot of good courses. I also like Mitch Leeuwe’s courses.

8 points

I agree with @Thavron@Thavron@lemmy.ca 's comment. Before getting too deep i think just grab a pen and paper, better if it’s a cheap sketchbook and start drawing whatever you want. Do not worry about nothing. Just draw. Over time not after too long you will start to discover your interests and favorite ways of drawing. I think asking here after that position where you know what you are looking would be better. There are endless amounts of resources online however they amount to nothing if you do not know what to look for.

So. Start drawing. Have fun. Then come back here.

4 points

A good practice for drawing people is figure drawing. You try to capture the essence of a pose or a movement in just a few strokes. It helps immensely on gaining an understanding and feel of natural motion. Line of Action has a huge set of reference pictures and decent customizability. Link: Line of Action


Digital Art


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