Kroger insists that “any test of electronic shelf tags is to lower prices more for customers where it matters most. To suggest otherwise is not true.” For some reason, nobody trusts them.
Then I’m sure they’ll be completely transparent about the criteria used for making the price changes and how the algorithm works, right? Because they’re trustworthy, right?
You can absolutely depend on a publicly traded corporation that’s legally obligated to make decisions in the monetary interest of its shareholders—to behave in an altruistic fashion for the benefit of mankind.
If it is true, they just admitted to security fraud for not maximizing profits. I doubt it is true but would be interesting to see it in court if they decide to admit to lying in a public press release or security fraud not acting in the interest of shareholders…
they just admitted to security fraud for not maximizing profits
what the fuck kind of comment is this
programming dot dev has got to be an experiment to come up with a comment so confidently incorrect it kills on contact
Why not simply imprison the customers until they empty their wallets?
EDGE (enhanced display for environment)
did not even try
whoops! that was our error! It’s actually “Enhanced Display for Grocery Environment” which is at least an acronym. Fixed.
as a consumer, I love to be delighted by a grocery environment that only makes prices lower (than a baseline price Kroger themselves set based on factors like: lying about the impact of shoplifting; intentionally creating food deserts; colluding with other supermarket chains to keep prices high; vibes)
maybe if I’m an extra good consumer they’ll replace all the freezer doors with pointless screens you can’t see through that are all constantly broken but still manage to waste a fuckton of energy
my consumer experience will really be improved when every one of those screens is recording my movements for the noble goal of knowing when to replace the animated ad for monster energy with an extremely inaccurate listing of the items contained in the freezer
Still 1/5 acronym.
- Word unrelated to displays or groceries
- Secondary meaning as a sexual term
- Already used by Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution which is itself a mediocre acronym at best
- Two of the four non-particle words, “enhanced” and “environment” are meaningless filler only there to make the acronym work.
Those e-ink screens were already trouble during the pandemic inflation period when so many item tags didn’t match the price when rung up at the register.
Individual pricing is only going to cause more problems with register and shelf price mismatch.
Oh no, now they’re going to be wirelessly connected. The problem I foresee is the price changing between when I see it and when I check out. Also, if that’s solved and I see a bunch of people grabbing an item I may just hang out for another 40 minutes and ask for a price check at the register. See if it’s come back down yet.
Either that or shop with a jamming device. Oops, nothing works.
Some of us out here are gonna reveal our human powered Kroger gouger