Hi, Once in a while I try to clean up my tabs. First thing I do is use “merge all windows” to put all tabs into one window.

This often causes a memory clog and firefox get stuck in this state for 10-20 minutes

I have recorded one such instance.

I have tried using the “discard all tabs” addon, unfortunately, it is also getting frozen by the memory clog.

Sometimes I will just reboot my PC as that is faster.

Unfortunately, killing firefox this way, does not save the new tab order, so when I start firefox again, it will have 20+ windows open, which I again, merge all pages and then it clogs again !

So far the only solution I have found is just wait the 20 minutes.

Once the “memory clog” is passed, it runs just fine.

I would like better control over tab discard. and maybe some way of limitting bloat. For instance, I would rather keep a lower number of undiscarded youtube that as they seem to be insanely bloated.

In other cases, for most website I would like to never discard the contents.

In my ideal world, I would like the tabs to get frozen and saved to disk permanently, rather than assuming discard tabs can be reloaded. As if the websites were going to exist forever and discarding a tab is like cleaning a cache.

0 points

You have 64GB RAM and that’s still not enough for your browser. Wow.

I’ve come away from this with only more questions. What does your Downloads folder/Filesystem look like? Do you have notebooks or any real world allocation of information? What’s that like? What kinds of things do you keep in a junk drawer?

Absolutely fascinating.

-1 points

I do not waste time sorting, emails, downloads and bookmarks

For my linux ISOs, which I have approx 60 terabyte of, I use dedicated sorting software and it does a really good job of keeping it all organized. I also make liberal use of symlinks and hardlinks to keep the original alive while also keeping things organized.

As for notes, I have notepad++ with an endless series of titled untitled text files of everything I ever want to remembered. Shared accross computers using a local git server

On my phone I have google keep which has a list of notes that has long since become far too long to scroll to the bottom off of. I am in the process of degoogling and I want to switch to a selfhosted file centric markdown note taking web app, not decided on which but this video is probably going to be one of them.

I don’t have a junk drawer, my stuff is sorted into bins, here is a glimpse of that

0 points

I terminate Firefox and reopen it any time it’s chewing up my RAM, but I usually don’t have more than 500 tabs open at any one time. My tabs persist when Firefox starts again, but tabs don’t fully load until I click on them again. This saves my memory from getting chewed up immediately, and can usually go a week or so before I need to do it again.

0 points

What? Even 500 tabs? I don’t understand this. I get about 10 open and I can’t read what they are. Please share a pic of what it has to look like with that many tabs open because I totally do not get this? I feel like this would be akin to asking “I can’t see out of my car windshield because I have completely covered it with sticky notes. How can I get to where I need to go?” This is not how browsers were designed to work.

-1 points

I have over a thousand just like OP and it works fine. Use a tree style tab browser and it’s much more usable than chrome or anything like that. OP’s problem is not having too many tabs.

0 points

The solution is to see a psychotherapist because dude is there something strange happening in your brain and it really needs fixing.

-1 points

Yes, it’s a disease called “having a lot of shit going on and not wanted to spend my afternoon sorting tabs” It is cured by “throwing all tabs in the bin and starting over” because today’s computer are so incredibly weak they can’t handle a few megabytes of text anymore.

1 point

because today’s computer are so incredibly weak they can’t handle a few megabytes of text anymore.

I mean, sites today are more richer compared to earlier 2000s. We have css, more complex js scripts, embedded fonts, embedded videos etc. I’m sure you understand that it takes more than a few megabytes of RAM.

0 points

I came in here knowing exactly what the comments would look like, and I’m still disappointed. “Just don’t use so many tabs” is not an answer. If you don’t have anything constructive to say, just move on instead of getting uppity about…not using browsers very heavily or understanding other use cases.

Yeah, thousands of tabs seems extreme. But “you should dedicate a larger amount of time and effort all day, every day to make the computer’s job easier” is a bad take. That’s obviously worse than OP’s existing workflow.

Sorry OP, I don’t have a real answer either. You might find Arc Browser’s tab system to suit you better, but since it’s chromium-based I suspect performance might be worse.

Edit: out of curiosity, how much memory does your PC have, and how much is Firefox using during these freezes? I wonder how much of the delay is caused by swapping.

1 point

Just don’t use so many tabs" is not an answer.

Yes it is. If somone is holding a knife upside down and complaining it doesn’t cut their steak, are you rude and ignore them? or comment that they’re doing it wrong? OP has the knife upside down.

FF (or any browser AFAIK) is not designed to do this , OP is doing it wrong is a valid answer.

On the flip side OP wants FF to change so it can do what they want, which is also valid. After all, a sensible person adapts to the environment around them, an insane person expects the environment to adapt to them, therefore all progess is made by insane people. Have at it OP :)

-1 points

FF was designed to do this. There have been hundreds of bug reports that have been fixed over the years to literally make FF handle thousands of tabs just fine. If instead you had operated under the assumption that something was wrong you literally could help OP resolve the issue which is most likely something like their swap mem or the extension itself being written badly.

-1 points

Yes it is.

It is worse than OP’s existing workflow, even though the existing workflow sucks. “Do this thing that sucks even more” is not an answer. “I don’t have this problem, so you must be mentally ill” is also not an answer.

an insane person expects the environment to adapt to them, therefore all progess is made by insane people

LOL. I love this.

0 points

Frankly the answer is to not use so many tabs.

I think it’s crazy to need more than 10 active tabs open, let along thousands. I’m a software developer who will regularly go down rabbit holes and I’d never dream of opening so many tabs.

The fact is OP isn’t using the browser in a way that it was designed for. Plus they’re being unreceptive and rude in some of their replies.

0 points

Ff literally was designed for this. It has had a significant number of bug reports over the years that improved this exact thing, opening thousands of tabs. That’s not the problem (I also have thousands of tabs open). If instead you had operated under the assumption that that wasn’t the problem maybe you could have helped OP find the actual problem, which I bet is probably that they disabled swap mem or the extension they’re using isn’t written well.

1 point

I have to ask, how does one even manage thousands of open tabs?

Like how do you find the 1 in 1756 tabs that you are looking for?

Excuse me for thinking that that is an insane way to work and there is no way it can be productive. Like if you have a thousand open at any given moment, what are they all. What are you doing that warrants this? What’s wrong with bookmarks.

I think the consensus here has been clear in that you guys are in the minority of people. And that’s on Lemmy where we skew tech literate and would mostly be power users. I just can’t see how it can be productive.

Not calling you out here. Like I really need to know your workflow with some examples of the why?

0 points

You’re not likely going to get any real help since you’re insisting on using the browser in an extreme and unconventional way. Your little world is just one browser/OS crash from losing all of those tabs.

0 points

What is amazing to me is how some people will come out of the woodwork to tell a person when they think they’re using their browser “wrong”. Just let them be if you have nothing to contribute.

0 points

If someone is trying to achieve a goal through (what they might not know are) impossible means, “letting them be” isn’t going to help them.

Although it might not seem very helpful (and indeed there are better ways of helping) pointing out the flaws in the approach is contributing more than “letting them be”. Doesn’t cost a thing to be civil about it though.

0 points

What OP is trying to do isn’t impossible it’s actually very interesting. There are lots of people who use tab workflows instead of bookmarks. And I think everybody would benefit from better in-browser search. Just because bookmarks is how it was done 30 years ago doesn’t mean we can’t try new things.




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