Damn, that’s pretty great. Just re-downloaded everything from my music folder from there (previously downloaded from yt lol). Everything had 44100Hz, 24 bit flacs available.
Fascinating, and the logo looks like a napsters relative!
this looks interesting. has anyone with more technical experience tested this? what formats and bitrates does it pull and is it just searching spotify to pull from youtube? the faq is a little sparse
Spotify currently does not work, apparently they got blocked and are currently arranging a new proxy.
I tested it with Qobuz. I copy-pasted the link directly from Qobuz, and it somehow managed to pull a full 24 bit, 48KHz, flac file from source with just the Qobuz link. I still don’t understand how. It works with full albums too.
Meanwhile my grandpa still uses deemix
How does it work? The services API?