Why is Worf in Engineering anyway?
So i know this is just a joke, but I imagine the simulation limits one’s options to those present in the room. If she wants to send someone more likely to survive, like Data, there would be a roadblock:
- Not enough time to get there from the bridge
- Site to site transporter is down
- Spot ate Data’s communicator badge
- Data is commanding the saucer section in another sector
- Data is on Risa hooking up with Sela
Something limits the options to those in the room. Georgi is the most qualified, and time is short
Oh, absolutely. There are good reasons why that wouldn’t be an option.
But those would get in the way of the joke, so I’m choosing to ignore them.
Meanwhile on the USS Voyager:
Tuvok and Chakatoy encounter each other in the hallway near Holodeck 1.
Tuvok: Commander, I am concerned about the Captain’s continuous holodeck usage. She has not exited the room for the past three hours, and I believe it may be inhibiting the effective operation of the ship.
Chakatoy: It’s been a rough week. I’m sure she’s just blowing off some steam.
Suddenly, they heard muffled noises through the holodeck door.
Tuvix: I have a right to live!
(Excessive machine gun noises)
Chakotay taps his combadge.
Chakotay: Doctor, can you come to holodeck 1? I think something’s wrong with the captain.
(No offense to Janeway. Just a fun caricature.)
But radiation would damage electronics too, and Data is irreplaceable
Possibly, but you know who has a history of surviving things that would kill any other crew member and has exhibited at least incredible radiation resistance even in that very same episode?
Also, it’s very un-starfleet to consider one member of the crew more irreplaceable or valuable than any other, even if it is true.
Why not send an Exocomp or two into the tube of death?
I don’t think leading a platoon of Stormtroopers into the conduit would fix anything.
i could stand maybe ten seconds tops of a DRD sadly singing 1812 Overture as it died of radiation damage until I’d have to climb into the fuckin condiut myself to save it