“Walt Bismarck,” a neoreactionary/alt-right blogger, decided to live by his beliefs and move from the liberal hellhole of Arizona to the midwest:
In 2018 I moved from a racially diverse swing state in the Sun Belt to a homogenous red state up in corn country. This decision was largely motivated by politics—I was looking to retreat to an imagined hyperborea free of crime and degeneracy where my volk had political autonomy.
The particular delight here is the section “Reason #3 - White people are no longer my most important ingroup”.
It turns out they don’t like him, they don’t like his ideas, and the white womenfolk don’t take to him. The frauleins prefer “stoic chudbots with rough hands and smooth brains” over his noble mind and physique.
In practice a society that encourages late marriage is actually much better for more bookish eccentric guys, who tend to be late bloomers in developing their masculinity and ability to seduce women.
(meaning: he came on weird at one of the nice church girls he was ogling to the point where one of her large guy friends suggested he take his leave.)
Our guy comes so close to introspection, but successfully evades it and reaches the root cause - these are the wrong kind of white people:
But these Midwesterners aren’t descended from entrepreneurial adventurers like the rest of us. Their forebears were conflict averse and probably low testosterone German Catholics who fled Bismarck’s kulturkampf to acquire cheap land under the Homestead Act. These people mostly settled areas where aggro Scotch Irish types had driven off the Injun decades ago, so they never had to embrace the risk-tolerant, enterprising, itinerant mindset that had once fueled Manifest Destiny. Instead they produced families that became weirdly attached to their generic little plot of fungible prairie dirt, and as a result we now have huge pockets of the country full of overcivilized and effete Teutons with no conquering spirit who treat outsiders like shit.
There is no shortage of genuine and active neo-Nazis out Iowa way. But they would have met Wordy NRx Boy here and flushed his head.
In the comments section, other racists call him out on his insufficient devotion to the cause of white nationalism.
Even our good friends at The Motte took the piss out of him.
The illustrations are, of course, AI-generated.
original post. Found on Bluesky by ratelimitexceeder.
he’s clearly still convinced that if you could just purge the degenerates you’d get a utopia. but his post is a nice illustration of how if that actually happens they’ll just keep inventing new ways to classify people as degenerate. fascists need, at all times, a face to stamp on
It is a fantastic example that their racist delusions are all made up. Whiteness is whatever they feel like in the moment. “These Chads and Staceys are a genetically inferior low-T line of white, I am the real lineage.”
So I’ve never heard of (or maybe I’ve forgotten about) The Motte. It seems to claim to be a sort of “rational discussion is welcome no matter your viewpoint” kind of place, but IME places that go out of their way to tell you that in THIS many words, are actually “we welcome right-wing views under the guise of welcoming everyone’s views, but really we would like some right wing views to be posted.”
What is this place?
This website is a place for people who want to move past shady thinking and test their ideas in a court of people who don’t all share the same biases. Our goal is to optimize for light, not heat; this is a group effort, and all commentators are asked to do their part.
The weekly Culture War threads host the most controversial topics and are the most visible aspect of The Motte. However, many other topics are appropriate here. We encourage people to post anything related to science, politics, or philosophy; if in doubt, post!
They’ve got a long list of rules in the sidebar, none of which seem to be “bigotry not welcome.”
My question - am I getting the wrong idea because I just read that one thread (which seems mostly right wing folks) or is it indeed yet another “We claim to be for everyone as our cover, but we’re really for the right” kind of a place?
It’s impossible to stop returning to that steaming pile of dogshit post and find something new to sneer at:
As Delicious Tacos aptly put it, a Far Left phase is treated like a woman eating pussy in college, while a Far Right phase is treated like a man sucking cock.
If I could talk to him I might say - I mean, if you are out of your Far Right phase (and it was really just a phase) maybe the idea of a man sucking cock shouldn’t be your go-to example of a thing you imply can never be forgiven.
But that’s none of my business, I’m just a puppet depicting a frog drinking tea.
So much to unpack. What the fuck is “Far Left”? How do you treat women eating pussy? Differently in college than after college? Why?
I completely agree with framing all Alt Righters as cocksuckers, but I’m not sure that’s what was meant here.
You’ve got to get in their twisted headspace* to decode it. They mean the former is somewhat acceptable straight behavior, while the latter is “too gay” for stupid reasons.
*not recommended for longer periods of time
Ignore me I feel stupider just trying to explain it idk, but I’m just straight enough that I can see what they mean even if I can’t really translate it for a normal person
TL;DR: “I’m no longer a white nationalist because a lot of white people are cucked. Now my new identity is with sufficiently pilled white people. This is much more pragmatic. Also I would totally have a cool black friend if any actually existed which means I’m totally not racist.”
Also: did anyone else feel a chill reading about a literal nazi talking about how society accepts him now? America used to despise nazis and now they feel like they can walk around openly. It’s terrifying.
I would dare wager that he utilizes a tome of the variety known as “thesaurus” likewise as you just have