This was mentioned elsewhere but I thought it was cool enough to deserve it’s own post. The artist is Dusty Abell and they are selling copies on their website here:
I mean artists deserve to be paid and this thing is beautiful and was probably a lot of work but… $50 for a print? Even $60 with shipping?
A full color print that size is easily $30 even if you don’t pay the artist.
It’s been a long, loooong time since I’ve uttered these words, but: THAT ABSOLUTELY KICKS ASS. (or Romulan pastrami, whatever)
Now, there’s always going to be a quibble, so here’s mine: Leonard Nimoy was about 6’ in actual height, and I believe Jon Frakes is about 6’3" - 6’4," right around Michael Dorn’s height, for example.
Still-- I get it. If the artist is trying to suggest the outsized influence of Spock, I understand. I mean, Shatner was utterly magnificent in his role, but Nimoy was also right there with him, a brilliant, iconic presence that helped turn TOS in to what might have otherwise been “Lost in Space.”
huh, I really should get into Doctor who, bc thus far this whole collab is just “eh” for me
Don’t worry, I’m a massive fan of both and I couldn’t be more disinterested
I find this really cool and I’m really not here to whine, but like, two doctors from Who and THE Doctor from ST is missing.