I was driving from Bakersfield to LA and pulled off the highway to get some gas. It was one of those exit ramps that goes down lower than the highway. I’m sitting at the light waiting to turn left and go under the highway, when a car comes flying off the highway upside down. It is airborne and goes right over top of my car. It hits the ground, slides until it hits the other side of the road and somehow rolls back onto its wheels. It then tries to take off but just crashes into fence and stops. A few moments later a parade of police cars came hauling ass down the exit ramp. I just drove straight back onto the highway and stopped at the next gas station.
I can just picture you seeing all of that unfold and then being like “Nope” as you pull right back onto the freeway.
Driving to Texas. Half way there, at night, not many cars on the road, I seen glow on the left side of the road. Slowly I notice it’s a fire. As I get closer I noticed it was a pickup truck fully engulfed.
I ended up just driving without stopping because: I had somewhere I needed to be and I was exhausted Anyone that was in that truck was already dead
A car on fire on an entrance ramp. Thought it was a wildfire at first until I got closer and was weirdly relieved when I saw what it was.
The remains of two people all over the interior of their convertible. It happened literally seconds ahead of me and I had to pass within a foot of it on the driver’s side.
The image hasn’t left my mind in over 20 years.
A crack head bent at the waist, her shorts were down and her ass was prolapsing in and out. One of the most horrid things I’ve ever seen.