Since Lemmy uses Markdown that supports HTML; it is possible to use Scalable Vector Graphics (with the <svg>
It is possible to import SVG art on Lemmy, which isn’t possible on Reddit.
As an example, here is a flag I made.
<svg id=“svg8” width=“297mm” height=“190mm” version=“1.1” viewBox=“0 0 297 190” xmlns=“” xmlns:cc=“” xmlns:dc=“” xmlns:rdf=“” xmlns:xlink=“”> <title id=“title83625”>Freedom of Information Flag</title> <defs id=“defs2”> <symbol id=“ic_search_24px” viewBox=“0 0 24 24”> <path id=“path6933” d=“m4.101 3.7042h-0.20902l-0.074083-0.071438a1.7119 1.7119 0 0 0 0.4154-1.1192 1.7198 1.7198 0 1 0-1.7198 1.7198c0.42598 0 0.81756-0.1561 1.1192-0.4154l0.071438 0.074083v0.20902l1.3229 1.3203 0.39423-0.39423zm-1.5875 0c-0.65881 0-1.1906-0.53181-1.1906-1.1906s0.53181-1.1906 1.1906-1.1906 1.1906 0.53181 1.1906 1.1906-0.53181 1.1906-1.1906 1.1906z” stroke-width=“.26458”/> </symbol> </defs> <metadata id=“metadata5”> rdf:RDF <cc:Work rdf:about=“”> dc:formatimage/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=“”/> dc:titleFreedom of Information Flag</dc:title> <cc:license rdf:resource=“”/> dc:descriptionA flag to support the universal right to information.
- Yellow background represents liberty.
- The magnifying glass is a symbol for information. It is horizontally aligned to represent the lack of bias.
- The horns represent the idea of copyleft, supported by GNU.</dc:description> dc:subject rdf:Bag rdf:liinformation</rdf:li> rdf:lifree</rdf:li> rdf:lilibre</rdf:li> rdf:lignu</rdf:li> </rdf:Bag> </dc:subject> </cc:Work> <cc:License rdf:about=“”> <cc:permits rdf:resource=“”/> <cc:permits rdf:resource=“”/> <cc:permits rdf:resource=“”/> </cc:License> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <rect id=“rect10” y=“-.14054” width=“299.74” height=“192.39” fill=“#ffff00” fill-rule=“evenodd” stroke-width=“.26458”/> <g id=“layer1” transform=“translate(0,-107)” fill=“#000000”> <use id=“use84183” transform=“matrix(2.6112 2.6112 -2.6112 2.6112 10.493 -71.155)” width=“100%” height=“100%” xlink:href=“#ic_search_24px”/> <path id=“path85079” d=“m190.56 142.53c2.2453-3.1184 5.228-6.13 7.076-10.306 0.75336-4.9917 0.81194-7.669-0.84953-12.793-1.1288-3.0946-2.0595-5.6271-3.6189-8.589 9.1301 5.6434 11.272 10.243 11.272 10.243 1.9779 5.4942 2.1059 7.4287 1.4032 12.114-2.0111 5.3632-5.285 10.025-11.132 16.23-3.0171-4.7485-4.151-6.8989-4.151-6.8989z”/> <path id=“path85933” d=“m110.17 142.28c-2.2453-3.1184-5.0526-5.8728-6.9006-10.049-0.75336-4.9917-0.81194-7.669 0.84953-12.793 1.1288-3.0946 2.0595-5.6271 3.6189-8.589-9.1301 5.6434-11.272 10.243-11.272 10.243-1.9779 5.4942-2.1059 7.4287-1.4032 12.114 2.0111 5.3632 5.1447 9.8842 10.991 16.09 3.0171-4.7485 4.116-7.0158 4.116-7.0158z”/> </g> </svg> </xml>
(The code can be previewed through an HTML viewer.)
may be needed to get the SVG art to work.
Thank you for the tip!
Side note, doesn’t appear to work on mobile.