This place has roughly 3,000 people and was intended to be an entire replacement for DaystromInstitute and StarTrek as they were going dark indefinitely. Well, within 4 days the moderators have walked back those statements and opened both subreddits up. I see no incentive for people to come to this website now and while a few may come here in the future, most people will go to r/startrek with 600,000 people.
That’s rather up to us, isn’t it?
Keep in mind that they just set new rules that allow them to replace mods who are participating in the blackout. Subs will open again very soon whether their original mods want to or not. The end goal of a protest is to affect change. Not being a part of their system is change. When the content is created by the users, the users have power.
It’s going about as expected. Mastodon experienced many waves of new users coming in. A lot of them don’t stay, but at lot do. I expect the same thing to happen here.