0 points

Holy fuck the comments. Is it this community or people who came from elsewhere? Jesus what a shit show

0 points

Honestly, what is this road glueing good for? You are annoying people who are not the root cause and allowing news sites and trolls to make an enemy of you.

Congratulations, you really showed them.

0 points

I’m sorry, but how are daily commuters not a huge part of the cause? I recognize they’re part of a larger system, and may have limited means to fix anything, but they’re still participating in behavior that is destroying the only home we have.

There are two alternatives: activists either do nothing consequential, people like you ignore them and nothing changes, or…

There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop.

  • Mario Savio

You’re literally defending the moderate in the meme.

0 points

Have these protests done anything? For example that due to the lack of public transport people are obliged to use a car, or many workplaces especially office work are put around cities not inside because of tax reasons? In my case I had to use a car for my previous work, for it was 45 minutes instead of 4,5 hours with trains and buses.

These people do nothing, but scream STOP USING OIL, STUPID! and call it a day.

Nobody is oblivious to this problem, but many have few choices.

0 points

The method behind the road blocks is: Block road to hold normal people hostage -> normal people get angry and demand change -> government changes it’s policy towards your demands. Yeah everyone knows climate change to be a problem but if nothing is being done despite that you have to apply pressure somewhere, so because Fridays for future moved the needle maybe minimally, by doing normal marches, you start to be the tiniest bit annoying by blocking streets without prior warning.

The very few people getting stuck in traffic from these protest are really just innocent bystanders but, they also need to change, and both the real targets, so politicians and rich people, have enough influence to easily shield themselves from the effect of protests, apart from maybe the private yet stoppages which the same groups also organised.

And at least here in Germany the media coverage about climate change is now much more frequent than before LG started blocking the streets. And the coverage is only interspersed by talking about the protests themselves not singularly about the protests. So there is at least some noticeable change.

These people don’t do nothing, they are fighting for my right to live 60 more years in relative peace and prosperity, protests and civil disobedience is far from doing nothing. The political message that gets told whenever any of them is interviewed is certainly much more nuanced than the slogan as well. And the reason they are on the street to begin with is because they themselves also have few choices, if the people going out to the street had power apart from their time and body they would be and are using it towards that same goal, but obviously their power via other ways is insufficient.

All in all if you think you act efficiently and fairly towards climate change reversal/reduction, but write a comment defending your 45min car commute, you might be missing something.The lack of public transport in your city for example isn’t solved by just continuing to use it without reflection about why it is that way, and honest investment into fixing it.

0 points

You must be a car driving loser. Getting mad sitting in your car stuck in traffic. All of that impotent rage. You are pathetic

0 points

I protest by kicking dogs end starting forest fires. Thanks for supporting me unconditionally as long as we have the same goals.

0 points

Be a retard elsewhere

0 points

Gluing yourself to roads (and damaging pieces of art) is the pinnacle of useless or even counterproductive activism.

You annoy everybody including those who agree with you. With a message that is new to nobody.

You bring no new argument or information to the table that could possibly convince those who don’t agree with you.

You are literally sitting around doing nothing.

This is not activism, this is passivism.

It also does not help, when you fly to the maldives on vacation right afterwards or do other similar schizo things.

0 points

Oh you find it annoying. Well, let me tell you a surefire way to step them from blocking the streets: just take proper steps to prevent co2 imission. Or you can cry about it on lemmy I suppose.


The memes of the climate


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The climate of the memes of the climate!

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