Everything like me is normal. Everything not like me is political!
There are
Two genders: male and political
Two races: white and political
Two orientations: straight and political
This is the single worst take in existence. I see it everywhere and it contributes nothing. There’s a difference between a game having politics in it and a game being political. A game with politics in it typically has a message with complexity and nuance and attempts to get people to ask questions by immersing them in an environment where philosophical ideas can be explored. A game that’s political typically has no message beyond “straight white men are inherently evil and cause all of the world’s problems”, and forgoes subtlety, nuance, and often even basic storytelling in favor of shouting that message in the viewer’s face as often and as loudly as it can, vainly attempting to tell its audience outright what the writer thinks they should believe no matter how much the end product’s quality suffers.
There are always people who will complain about black people, gay people and trans people being in a game at all. But don’t lump those people in with people who are simply sick of their entertainment trying to guilt-trip them into hating themselves for having physical traits they never asked for and can’t control, otherwise your message becomes this:
“There are
Many genders: The good ones, and male
Many races: The good ones, and white
Many orientations: The good ones, and straight”
And that’s an opinion only possessed by those narcissistic enough to consider their own prejudices more justified than anyone else’s. I don’t want to hear any of that “prejudice plus power” nonsense. Bigotry is bigotry is bigotry. And we all deserve better.
I mean, one of those is a reasonable ask.
It would be a reasonable ask in a world where no or only few non-political games exist. However, in our world, there are plenty of non-political games, and this criticism is usually directed at specific games that contain elements that don’t fit the critic’s political leanings. “I don’t want games featuring diverse characters or progressive messages” would in most cases be the more honest statement.
To me the real problem with political games is that a political game, to be enjoyable, has to be more good than political.
Disco Elysium is extremely political. It is also a very well written game. So I enjoyed playing it.
AAA studios tend to make a game with an LGBT character or a minority character and when people don’t like it, they blame representation. While people are actually mad at a game being a bad game.
Everyone who wants non-political anything is a closet racist.
If I’m an idiot, then why don’t you show me an example of wanting a non-political game for non-racist reasons?
Many people play games to escape reality. I dont feel like having current political bullshit in my games as i’m confronted with that day to day. Let me just fly around in spaceships or race cars or whatever.
I’ll play games with politics when I’m up for it.
I don’t understand this whole thing, is this something American?