Its almost entirely made from plants
And like, even if it was dinosaurs, Dirt is also (partially) made from decayed animals. And, oversimplifying, that dirt becomes plants.
And that’s all fine for vegans, because it doesn’t involve exploitation of animals. Like, if you needed to raise and kill animals to use their corpses to grow plants, that’d be animal exploitation.
you are most definitely exploiting animals in the scenario you described. do you think i need to build a water table in order to exploit it for a well?
i didn’t say it’s abuse. i said it’s exploitation. everyone opposes abuse. exploitation is not inherently abusive.
i aggre with you if you’re talkin about mass capitalism version of veganism, but the original activist movement of veganism, which is more direct and utopic, is in fact against vehicles itself, cos the production of everything involved causes harm to animals environment.
Petrol isn’t made of dinos it’s made of is plankton