Graph break makes it look a lot closer than it is.
If the wheel were big enough, I bet humans would use it too.
It’s me, I’m that human.
They have these at some playgrounds here. It’s pretty fun!
Until you fall over.
This just reminds me that bumble bees will play with small wooden beads if they’re left out, mostly just rolling them about aimlessly and sometimes jumping on them because apparently they are amused by it rolling over with them on top of it.
This is too cute, it can’t possibly be true. I demand pictures and videos!
Is this running distance? That’s a completely unfair metric for the slug.
Slugs to be you then, I guess. :P
In all seriousness, the graph shows different species as fraction of total uses recorded. Since the paper is mostly about mice, and behavioural differences under different circumstances, it being unfair to the slugs is probably not such a big deal here.