0 points

“Good” in christian terms not only means being nice and caring for your fellow humans but everything that makes God’s creation work: accepting that he knows how it is supposed to work and doing what he says instead of trying to fix this world solely by ourselves. IMO reasonable from a believer’s point of view.

0 points

Except he has the power to fix it all and doesn’t anyway? Explain childhood cancer. Explain natural disasters. Explain why millions have to suffer because of the actions of others, regardless of whether those suffering are following God’s actions.

Is it purposeful cruelty or does he just not care?

0 points

I’ve got a feeling your mind is already made up on the matter and no amount of explanation would change that.

0 points

And why wouldn’t it be, it is literally one of the oldest issues with religion that was formulated by Epicurus roughly 2300 years ago and believers have never had a satisfactory answer to it.

0 points

Did we ask him to fix it? Did we care about him in any way? Individuals may did but he wants to save more than just a 0.1%. And what is temporary death against eternal life in a “fixed” world? The suffering before is the much worse part. But even this can be quite a cure to many of us. We, seen statistically, don’t become “good” from being rich and having a carefree life. And much less we ask for God to fix the world for the others that are suffering.

He is waiting for us to change our minds, admit that we were wrong, that we weren’t able to fix it ourselves. Pretty selfish, you could think. Seeking for glory, letting people suffer until the come crawling back to you.

But then again, we brought this on us ourselves. We decided we were better off on our own, not made to serve God in a perfect world with no suffering. And also, tho whom would all the glory in the world belong if not to its creator? How could an almighty God be selfish only because he decided the purpose if his creation?

0 points

It’s a cruel and demented mindset to justify children dying by claiming they deserve it, that they “brought it on themselves.”

I’m not going to live for a being that causes so much suffering just because he wants some sort of glory. We’d put those people in prison if they were us, because it doesn’t fit with our societal morals.




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