What about plain old x = -10
-10 ^ 2 = 100
-10 ^ 3 = -1000
-10 ^ 5 = -100000
people being pedantic showoffs doesn’t really register as humor for me, TBH
When all you have is an imaginary hammer, everything looks like a rotation around the imaginary unit circle.
Explanation of maths
x = -10, i = √-1 so i² = -1 and 10i²=-10
The square root is always positive, but you can plug it into the quadratic formula to get the two possible values.
IIRC, your spoilery “so” is the other way round. The right side is the definition, and the left-hand side a layman’s shorthand, as the root operator isn’t defined on negative numbers.
I might very well be wrong. My being a mathematician has been over for a while now, my being a pedantic PITA not though.
Wait, isn’t x just -10 if x^3 is not 1000?
that is a very long way to write -10
My brain
It hurts
That’s because the explanation was about 10 times as complicated as it needs to be