Wasn’t it also found to be able to pass through the blood-brain barrier?
Yeah, we’ve really done a fantastic job fucking the world up in the last century. It’s truly incredible that in the blink of an eye, we’ve managed to doom most of the life that exists on our planet.
Microplastic a found in FUCKING CLOUDS!! That nonsense is absolutely everywhere, and will be there forever. And wherever you go, it’s going to follow you. Rubbish
What are the long term effects of microplastics on human body?
I think theres no hard evidence that its outright causing stuff, but there’s a lot of studies on some correlations. some involve phthalates messing with the male hormones and genitalia for offspring
I could totally look this up, but for the sake of conversation: what consequences does the presence of microplastics have? I honestly don’t know
And at this point finding a control group that isn’t contaminated is incredibly difficult if not impossible
Maybe we can get one of those people living completely isolated from society.
😃 scientists genetically engineer a new bacteria that can digest plastics
😨 the bacteria escaped containment and is spreading prodigiously