How do you learn all this? Could you also explain your face routine? I’m taking down notes here.
Watching skincare youtube channels and going to a dermatologist.
My face care is a lot. I’d encourage you to find your own products and routine, but I’ll list mine as an example:
Daily Mornings:
- Wash face using a gentle face cleanser (usually in shower, after washing /conditioning hair)
- Niacinamide ointment to minimize pores
- face specific moisturizer
- eye creme around eyes
- Mineral sunscreen (re-apply again in middle of day)
Daily before bedtime:
- Wash face with gentle face cleanser
- Exfoliate face with lactic acid ointment (once per week: sub stronger AHA/BHA peeling solution)
- Every other day, always skipping peel days: Adapalene (retinol) gel for wrinkle reduction
- Niacinamide ointment to minimize pores
- face specific moisturizer
Everything kinda has a purpose, so if you have questions please ask.
Your routine looks pretty much what I would expect a modern science-based routine to be when you don’t have very specific issues. My only question would be why not chemical SPF? Aren’t there pretty much proven nonproblematic versions of that these days or do you actually enjoy the mineral based one?